Introduce Yourself : Mike Britton, Producer/Director by Michael Robert Britton

Michael Robert Britton

Mike Britton, Producer/Director

I'm a video/film Producer/Director living in Dallas, Texas. Currently I have 3 feature films in the works: BACK, written by award winning Writer/Director, Charles Evered; Surrender Dorothy, written by Emmy winning screenplay writer, Gina Maria Miller; and MINDER a new screenplay based on the kids adventure book MINDER written by J. Kabay. On the commercial side I'm Executive Producer for The Home Depot, JC Penney, Toys R Us and Autozone.

DJ Far

Michael, great to have so much professional experience in the craft on the site. Welcome.

Michael Robert Britton

Thanks. Looking forward to meeting some great people.

Charles Mallory

Mike, it's great to learn about your current projects. I checked out Miller-Britton Films' website and watched the trailers for both Out and Surrender Dorothy. Both look like great films. Congrats on selection to the California Independent Film Festival and Newport Beach Film Festival for Out and the Beverly Hills Film Festival for Surrender Dorothy!

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