Filmmaking / Directing : College by Sarah Hamilton

Sarah Hamilton


What are your thoughts on the LMU film school?

Dov S-S Simens

If you're parents are wealthy... It is very good... If parents are not wealthy... Go to an affordable college. Read a couple of books on Filmmaking & SCreenwriting... And on a Summer berak shoot a NO-BUDGET MOVIE... You will graduate. Not be broke like the kids at USC, UCLA & NYU that owe $100,000-$200,000... and you made a movie.... WOW... DOV SIMENS

Regina Lee

I've had several interns from LMU who have all loved their experience at LMU.

Dov S-S Simens

An intern doesn't get paid. My issue is "is a 2-4 year, $50K-$300K program worth it if the end result is possibly becoming an intern?''''

Dov S-S Simens

Again, I am not saying that LMY, or USC or NYU are not excellent film schools... but are they worth the time and money, when 2-6 months of school of hard knocks might give you as much info, knowledge & contacts...

Amanda Toney

LMU film school is fantastic!

Dov S-S Simens

Ms Stegall is correct. LMU is excellent. Please do not get caught up in all the expensive hype about USC or NYU.... It comes down to talent & work ethic and LMU has a better environment to facilitate it.

Regina Lee

If you're thinking SoCal, and not thinking about UCLA, USC, AFI, you might also want to check out Chapman University. I've had truly excellent Chapman interns.

Dov S-S Simens

Correct, Chapman & LMU are as good or even better than USC, UCLA or NYU

Amanda Toney

I went to LMU and the environment and campus life are amazing. Plus, LMU has some awesome teachers and opportunities you don't get at the bigger schools.

Sarah Hamilton

thank you all so much! I will be attending LMU in the fall and I am looking forward to it! Thank you again!

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