Introduce Yourself : My first film by Liran Dayan

Liran Dayan

My first film

Hey, i want to show you my first short horror film. It was only with 1 actor. I created this movie alone, and it was very hard but it was fun :)

Debbie Croysdale

Atmospheric and chilling, I think the sound effects and music were spot on, in relation to each scene. It's fantastic you did this all yourself, very imaginative and fresh idea.

Liran Dayan

Ty, i will glad for more comments :)

Rosalind Winton

Hi Liran, I just watched it and I thought it was brilliant... so atmospheric and I loved all the twists and turns, though it's a very short film, it advocates a lot of questions. and the end took me by complete surprise - I thought you got the music completely right throughout. My only thoughts on it would be to maybe have a couple of the scene changes as fade outs/fade ins.. just to give it a little bit of variety in that respect, but otherwise brilliant.

Liran Dayan

Ty ^^

Lina Jones

Nice filming! Welcome to the stage!

Rafael Pinero

Very good job for a first film.

Courtney Miller

Loved the film!!! Very impressed with the fact you shot this alone! I would say that some of the shots in the earlier dream sequence were a hair too long for me. Especially when the killer was walking up the stairs. Just a personal choice. I did like the fact that the framing was different the second time you had the killer go up the stairs. Nice work overall!!!

Liran Dayan

Thanks Courtney :)

Director Shadadow

Didn't watch the whole thing but so far so good

Lina Jones

Do you have a shorter trailer of the movie would love to let my audience hear about it. Email me at thanks.

Elisabeth Meier

Hey Liran, thank you for sharing your film here. I watched and loved it completely and think it is really a great job for a first film. I was surprised how well you even placed the music. Thanks again!

Director Shadadow

I finally watched the whole film and it was great at the end it really didn't catch me by surprise knowing the masked men was himself because I suffered from sleep paralysis also and it's all about your subconscious and how you feel you can make the situation worse by being afraid and frightened or you can make it the best time of your life by feeling happy and joyful and turning it to lucid dreaming,but over all great film.

Joe Becker

I started watching and the opening creds were too long, so I skipped over them. then I watched a window, and then I saw a hand come into frame, and then a guy slowly open a door, and step inside... the music was good. but that was excruciatingly slow. slow is good, but that's too slow. didn't keep my attention. this is not meant to be mean, but as constructive criticism. you have to hold your audience. you lost me. move your story along. grab the audience with some incident. A film should have a gripping scene in the beginning. In Clear and Present danger they blow up a house full of drug lords. In Air Force One they show a special ops mission. In Psycho you have a lady being stabbed in a shower. If you watch that movie, there's no more blood in the rest of the film. The audience is expecting horrible things because they saw that one scene early on. That keeps them on the edge of their seats for the rest of the film. These things happen in the first few minutes of a film. Then you can move on to the more mundane, because you have your audience's attention and curiosity. But even then, don't make it too slow, or you'll lose them.

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