Acting : Dukes of Hazzard by Les Moore

Les Moore

Dukes of Hazzard

I am looking for a VO actor for immediate needs on a TV series for The Sportsman Channel. I am looking for a VO actor to be the main narrator for a reality TV show. The main quality for the narrator is to be able to deliver a laid back script and come across much like Waylon Jennings did for the Dukes of Hazzard TV series. Please contact me if interested, a sample read must be provided for production to review. Also, all rates need to be disclosed with submission of sample read. Thanks. Grizzly Films

Les Moore

I have found a VO actor...a little dismayed that no one on Stage32 ever commented on this post. Questioning the value of this network. Not a very good first experience....bummed.

Samuel Estes

Hi Les, I know you posted this a day ago, and I'm glad you found someone, but did you post this in the Jobs section on Stage32?

Les Moore

No, I did not post this in the jobs section....didn't realize it was even there. I feel brain dead, thank you for the suggestion. Much appreciated.

Samuel Estes

No worries, just want to make sure people are getting the most out of this place. Lounges are more for craft-talk and advice, fyi.

Michael J. Citak

I'm seeing this but I'm a few days late. Glad you found somebody. Best of luck on the series

Bart Fouche

Based in Cape Town, but work all over the world via the gift of technology. VO 35 years so far and still having fun. SAMPLE Please hear my narration of the Babblecreek Monster on Vimeo.

Bev Standing

Hi Les, I just saw this post too through an email update I get from Stage32. Let's connect and - hey - maybe next time.

Raymond Pental

Les. I'm just getting this today. And today is April 29. So had I known of your need of a Voiceover I would have submitted. In the future, if you need a guy please check my Voice123 site at to hear just some of my demos and previous work. I also have a children's interactive book on iTunes Disney-Pixar Cars "All Revved Up"

Bruce Davis

Hi Les, I'm very familiar with that show as well as how Waylon Jennings delivered. You may not need anyone anymor, but I do have a character that's an older southern white guy that you could use for other things, as well as an even older black farmer.

Jessica Straus

I didn't even know Stage 32 had a "jobs" section either. Good to know… Glad you found someone!

Bruce Davis

Hey there guys! I'm really glad I found this site! I'm normally a screen actor, but my full time job has hours that don't fit auditions and such. So I figured I'd switch gears into the "behind the mic" arena instead of "in front of the camera" since I can record myself and put together my own projects for a VO reel. I'd you wouldn't mind listening, I have a link to my sound cloud profile that I'll be using for all my projects. This first one is one of the many characters running around in my head. Please listen, comment, and share. p.s. I'm also considering collaborations for VO work as well. Thanks, Bruce Davis

Brenda Robinson (Bren R)

Should have seen this sooner. If there's ever anything you need for a versatile female voice - check me out!

Les Moore

Thanks Brenda and Bruce. I will definitely have several more VO needs in the future

Glory Ann Louise Fusco

Hey les, I'm Glory I'm 14 and I'm trying to start off my career in acting and I love talking and I'm good at it i have never done a voice over but i think it would be fun .So if you ever need a younger voice please contact me .

Shawn Speake

Glad you found what you're looking for. Keep me posted on the next VO! I'll read for you anytime, Les!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Again, this sort of thing should be posted in the Jobs section. The forums are for topic discussion. Nonetheless, I'm happy to hear it all worked out. :)

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