Introduce Yourself : The Struggle by Sammy Soto

Sammy Soto

The Struggle

As I find myself typing my first post in Stage 32, I feel as if I am submerging deeper into the struggle. No misconception here, I want to be in the struggle. I want to find myself tangled in Hollywood's complex and fear-inducing web. I am ready to take that next step and willing to do what it takes to become a filmmaker. We are all here to look for something, meet someone influential, make a valuable connection that may not have existed otherwise, but I also think we gather for a reason deeper than that. As humans we are drawn to social interaction and crave attention, even us introverted writers who long to pave a way in the film industry. We are here to be inspired by others, and inspire others with our actions and achievements. I look forward to meeting and learning from many of you, here at Stage 32.

Eric Ehrhardt

Knowing precisely where you stand is the first step toward applying concerted effort to create forward momentum that will prove measurable and immediately satisfying ...

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Sammy! Great to have you here!

Rob Wallace

There's nothing quite like LA to lower your self esteem. May the best person win but it helps if you know a guy.

Shawn Speake

"LA lowers your self-esteem" … If you don't mind me asking, how does that happen, Rob?

Elisabeth Meier

I can't speak for Rob, but think he means that no one should see Hollywood as the only place to be successful in film business. Many ways lead to Rome. I compare this to Stefanie (Steffi) Graf. Her father was wise to plan and choose her matches as he did. She played only matches where she never met the top 10 until she had so much experience (and enough points in the World ranking to be close to the top 10) that it then was almost an easy match then to win vs. M. Navratilova and C. Evert and in addition she then won so many points in the ranking that she passed both in just a few weeks. In other words: find a place where you learn the most without getting your esteem lowered and if you are strong enough make your winner points. Maybe I'm wrong in my interpretation of Rob. If not, you may call me from now on the 'Wallace-Whisperer' - LOL. Little joke. :))

Darren Wrightson

Welcome :)

Antonio Ingram

Welcome, Sammy. You sound like someone ready to take that leap, wanting to be absolutely miserable about what you're so passionate about. I like those kind of people. And you will definitely interact with a lot of different amazing people on here. I wish your filmmaking journey all the best, Sammy.

Beth Brumley

Looks like you will not be the only one to be writing your first post Sammy as I am that new here too. I could not agree with you more with the way you feel... I too feel like I am getting in deeper but it will be great to be able to network with all of you. My name is Beth I am a film maker and work editing,post production at a TV studio.I am thoroughly excited to be doing my first freelance ad to place in my web show. Out of curiosity though I am wondering how many others here have experienced the same thing... As I sit and work with my peers I am so taken back by how amazingly talented they are and sometimes feel very threatened by it, yet I know that I shouldn't be to hard on myself because I can sometimes do just as well as they can. What are some things that you guys do to combat your nervousness or feelings of inadequacy??

Kevin Doy Burton

What I do is create stories. It keeps my mind active. Then I would take what I call a commercial break to see what's on my email. I jump on Linkedin and now i'm here on stage 32 meeting people who are going through different situations. I feel so much better afterwards.

Shawn Speake

Hey, Beth! Lack of preparation can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Know what you are trying to do so well you can't be denied. Life is performing your song on the big stage. If you know your song inside out, you can focus on entertaining others. If you don't, you can't.

Shawn Speake

This calls for a song! Happy Saturday!

Sammy Soto

Thank you all. I think it is important that aspiring professionals support each other and also challenge each other! A spirit of competition is always a good thing in my opinion. Thanks for the discussion.

Regina Lee

Great post, Sammy. Use the struggle to drive you forward. I'm a Chinese-American from Jackson, MS. I had no industry connections. I moved to LA, got a job as a CAA assistant, then got a job assisting the President of Production at Universal Pictures, then became a studio exec at Universal. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

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