Screenwriting : Morning Lark Writers! =) by Terri Viani

Terri Viani

Morning Lark Writers! =)

Anyone else am early morning writer? I've been up since four and will write till 8, and then get on with my Saturday. We always hear about writers staying up half the night - and yes I've done that - but I much prefer to get up early and spend some time with coffee and the Muse. Anyone else? =)

Maria Torrez- Ellsperman

I'm a late writer. I'm up til 4:00 am. I don't know why. I mainly write suspense and horror so I think it helps me set the mood. Maybe that sounds dumb. Anyway I have been sleeping with the lamp on since I have been writing this current script. Nobody laugh. :)

Elisabeth Meier

Yep, I am a 4 a.m. to noon writer/worker (incl. paperwork etc) and then mostly again some hours in the evening.

Tao R.M.

I think writing in the morning is better. Why? Because when you go to bed the night before, you reset your mind. When you wake up, it's fresh and unpolluted. I used to be a night writer, but recently I've changed my routine and boy my mind is more productive.

Lisa Clemens

I'm a night owl, but I write any time I can find time. Even at my day job, on breaks! But I do write best when I'm home, the kids are asleep, dog in her kennel and all is quiet!

Debbie Croysdale

I write early mornings only if I've been up all night. Eg. Start at 11pm thru the night until about 8am.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Nope. I'm a nocturnal writer.

Bill Bittner

I get up around 6am, go down to a picnic table near the beach, and do Morning Pages till 8. ( And in my MPs I'll figure out solutions to problems in my script, brainstorm, write scenes out in prose form, or general notes. Then I work on the actual script at night.

Cherie Grant

I can't do all nighters. I get tired and fuzzy headed and have to go to bed. I can do mornings, but not 4am. Think more like nine to midday. I'm really a day time writer. Afternoon the ideal time.

Elisabeth Meier

@Bill - Morning Pages... yep, me too in addition to the script writing, but... I don't have my beach house in CA yet. :))

Jeremy Trahan

I write late at nite from 12am on. I take care of my honey do lists first then I write from midnight on

Terri Viani

Interesting to hear everyone's process and timing! I usually get up at the crack o', make coffee, take care of animals, and then write for a couple of hours, hit the workout, and then back to the writing desk till afternoon when I do house stuff and errands. =)

Bill Bittner

@Elisabeth I don't have a beach house in CA either. Just a home in Florida...that's a whole 10 minutes from the beach. 1st world problems, huh?

Elisabeth Meier

One may dream... :))

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