I’m an award-winning screenwriter with a couple of features optioned and over forty screenplays produced, optioned and/or purchased.
Outside of my screenwriting, I’m also a published short story writer, interviewer and movie reviewer.
Check out my site for details - .uk
It's A... Drama Two expectant mothers share their precious last moments together as they prepare for the end of the world.
Night Train Horror A horny teenager decides to prank his girlfriend with an immersive ghost experience when she won't take their relationship to the next level.
The Girl in the Fence Drama An anomaly in an online photo drives a wedge between a childless couple, it may be resolved for one if only she can understand what the photo reveals.
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secure Thriller ⋄ Horror ⋄ Drama A desperate cleithrophobiac discovers that his fears could be a blessing in disguise when a late night cab ride detours into hell.
Fabric Horror ⋄ Drama In a picture postcard village, an officious accountant decides to make the horologist redundant, not realising just how important he is to village life.
A Furtive Response Drama A grieving couple, separated by loss, live a distant existence until a unifying secret is accidentally revealed.
Look B4 U Leap Sci-fi ⋄ Comedy An adventurous couple experiment with time travel using their sheer will to overcome the lack of a time machine, and any scientific knowledge.
Ouija Horror ⋄ Comedy A group of friends get more than they bargained for when the hook a Ouija board up to a 3D printer and encounter a presence from the other side.
Pond Life Horror Rumours of a strange creature entice two young friends to explore the distant woodlands and the pond deep within.
Wild Flowers Drama A couple are driven apart by the death of their daughter, until the murderer intervenes and nudges them back together.
Love Locked Thriller ⋄ Horror A romantic young woman notices the very first love lock attached to the bridge and becomes obsessed with discovering just who put it there.
Terminal Z Horror A critically ill patient pushes for the only cure left to him, very much against his surgeon's wishes.
Scan Drama A 3D scan allows a blind father to 'see' his unborn child for the first time, perhaps it will also help him overcome his marrow deep fears of fatherhood.
Haptic Horror ⋄ Comedy A loving wife regrets getting her husband a smart watch for their anniversary, he regrets checking out it's haptic feedback in the middle of the night.
Twisted Smile Thriller ⋄ Horror ⋄ Drama An old man with a dark secret has the smile wiped from his face from the most unexpected source - a 13 year old girl.
Father's Girl Horror ⋄ Drama A young teen struggles to cope with her crippled, harridan of a Mother, seeks help from her Father only for dark family secrets to be revealed that will change everything.
Dog's Life Sci-fi ⋄ Comedy The barrier guards at the Large Hadron Collider make a strange discovery that causes them to stop and wonder... just for a moment.
Today on the Jeremiah Bile Show Horror ⋄ Comedy An enslaved teen takes her parents onto a daytime talk show to stop the abuse, but first they must all confront exactly why they are doing it.
Grab Me Horror A young girl's dreams come true when her Dad wins her a new doll at the fair, but some dreams are better unfulfilled.
Doormat Smiles Thriller ⋄ Horror Why are strange S&M photos being sent to David through the post? Who is sending them and who is the hooded woman in the pictures?
Through Glass Darkly (Short) Drama Gary loves his new Google Glass but his wife would rather have a sofa, and then there's the weird shadow spoiling things too.
Glitch Sci-fi In a dystopian future, a desperate wife must take extreme measures to save her husband while overcoming the challenge of a technology hell bent on thwarting her efforts.
Stuffed Drama A distraught wife collapses under the weight of her husbands infedelity and embarks on a mission to even the score.
The L Equation Drama ⋄ Romance A talented female mathematician slaves over an equation that could change the face of humanity, as her dedicated assistant struggles to tell her exactly how he feels.
Disruption Drama ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller An uptight tax lawyer seeks professional help when her life starts to unravel, but try as she might, she can't figure out why.
A Face in the Crowd Thriller A man who works in secrets is dogged by a dark shadow that has secrets of it's own.
iRobot Action ⋄ Sci-fi The delivery of an unexpected package leads to a battle between a geriatric war veteran and a machine - a fight to the death... over the kitchen table.
Bump in the Night Horror A foul mouthed drug addict decides that burglary can get him his next fix, but boy does he pick the wrong house and the wrong couple to mess with.
Graft Horror ⋄ Sci-fi A grieving Doctor cannot understand why the syhthetic skin grafts keep disappearing, she suspects a thief but the answer is much more macabre.
Fridge Feeder (Short) Drama A desperate woman turns to technology to help her diet, but the tech has other ideas of how to help.
The Lost Reel Adventure Upon finding a long-forgotten film reel in a yard sale, a boy and his Grandpa head off on a quest to Japan to reunite the two halves of the film, pursued every step of the way by an unscrupulous film collector.
Ciaran De Bergerac (Short) Comedy ⋄ Romance Star crossed lovers meet for their first date in this techno twist on the classic tale - but can Ciaran overcome his nerves?
(Short and Drama)
Writer An uptight tax lawyer seeks professional help when her life starts to unravel, but she can't discover why.
A Certain Romance
(Short and Romance)
Writer Add a Plot »
Film (short)
Ghost Light
Film (short)
Written by
Film (short)
Let Me In
Film (short)
by Northeast Film Group
Story & Screenplay
First Kiss
Film (short)
Writer YouTube is a great place to find all sorts of training videos, but not everyone wants to learn news things.
Winner, Short Screenplay - Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting competition
Winner, Short Screenplay - Nashville Film Festival Screenwriting Contest
2nd Place, Short Screenplay - FilmQuest Film Festival Screenwriting Contest
3rd Place, Short Screenplay - Reel Writers Screenwriting Contest
Finalist, Cherub Films, Short Screenplay Competition
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