Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone I'm Robert and i make madness by Robert M Bravo

Robert M Bravo

Hello everyone I'm Robert and i make madness

Ive been active on here a bit more then a week still finding my place on stage 32 as they say, but i figure now is as good a time as any for a proper introduction. My name is Robert Bravo and I am a practical special effects artist specializing in casualty simulation (gore) and humanoid based creatures. I started in the industry as a indie film producer working on a handful of titles before finding my way into special effects out of necessity. I couldn't afford to hire FX and as i was working in horror and scifi the only way for me to tell my stories with out taking away from more necessary aspects of the budget such as sound was to learn to do them myself. It didn't take me long to realize i loved making the madness and monsters far more then then movies they inhabited and with that "BravoFX was born. I spent the next 7 years dedicating myself to learning the tools of an ever changing fx industry and I never looked back. I do on occasion step back into producing particularly if its a project i really respond to, and i do find that the tools i developed as a producer carry over to the fx aspects of my life. I look forward to talking to, and working with as many of you as i can and i welcome film makers to reach out to me with questions or needs im all ways happy to sit down and discuss fx gags, how to's, or go into how i would handle things as a producer. So thats me. its a pleasure to meet all of you

Robert M Bravo

No sorry necessary my friend, hahaha. I'll be posting some cool stuff on my page from a few upcoming gigs, and a new reel soon always feel free to stop by and enjoy the crazy

Robert M Bravo

much obliged Mark!

Robert M Bravo

by the way to anyone whom might be interested i have a bravofx facebook page where i post basically anything thats not banned by production NDA's feel free to check it out My actual website is down right now while i give it a full remodel but ill post the link to that once its back up

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