Hi, just wanted to let everyone know that my Script, Bad Dads was requested by the Gersh Agency. That's two requests for the script in one week using Script 32's pitch services! Thanks so much to Joey and his team for the opportunities they provide to aspiring screen writers.
Nice Frank, glad to hear it!
Thanks Mike...did you respond to my previous email about my brother making three indie films?
All the best Frank!
Big congrats!
Congrats, Frank! You are having one heck of a week so far, and it's not over!!!
Good job, Frank.
Congratulations! Wish you luck and success ! :-)
Break a leg Frank!
Congratulations, Frank!
Awesome news! Keep the great momentum moving
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Thanks for your words of encouragement..once we get our scripts read by executives/agents, then it's a waiting game..screen writing is such a competitive profession as you can tell by all the talented folks that are connected on Script 32 and the thousands of writers who enter various contests...The joy of writing and creating new ideas for the screen or TV helps sustain the momentum. However it's a continuous journey of learning and growing, using all the resources at our disposal to become better at our craft..Finding that storyline that's timely, fresh and resonates with the powers that be is a big part of the game..Writing with a purpose, something that can change lives or a story that people can identify with and say, "I'm not alone" is also a big driver...and if your goal is to entertain or make people laugh or forget the stresses of life for a brief moment or just to scare the hell of people that's great too..There's a Zen saying, "After the enlightenment, the laundry" Some of us are doing the 'laundry' so we can pursue our dreams and what we love..the art of writing.
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Well said, Frank! I hope that is the goal of every writer...to not only entertain and enlighten, but to say something relevant and passionate about the human condition...to enrich lives and to give hope for the future.
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Marcia, thanks couldn't have said it any better...The Great Wallenda, tight rope walker said, "Everything is walking the tight rope, all else is just waiting."
Love the way you think! I totally agree!
Congratulations! Keep up the hardwork.
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Congrats Frank. Gersh is an excellent boutique agency for actors, directors and writers. Small but with some top working clients. I knew Bobby Gersh a hundred years ago. He dated a girl I knew in college. That's it for my six degrees of separation.
Thanks Michael, that's helpful to know...I'm going to goggle Bobby Gersh..sounds like he's doing very well..
I think his Dad started the agency and Bobby and his brother are agents of long standing. Bobby is literary I believe. I submitted a script there when I was starting out - via someone he knew - and they did not sign me. So requesting your work puts you a step ahead of me.
Congratulations and good luck
Thanks Maja...do you know Tanya Deflofson? She's a foreign film publicist in LA..