Introduce Yourself : Hello Stage 32! It's me! by Jason Arthur Chatwin

Hello Stage 32! It's me!

Hi all - just thought I'd write a post to introduce myself. I've been on Stage 32 since May and haven't done this yet. It's a great site - full of potential I feel. I'm a Composer who writes, produces, arranges, orchestrates, some copyist, etc...well I think you have to be a jack of all trades in one area these days to some degree. I write mostly dramatic scores allowing for different influences from pop 50,60,70,80,90 era's, to classical from Mozart to Stravinsky (my favourite!). I'd really like to collaborate with others (not just composers) but in other areas - at the moment I'm exploring the match between 'audio-book' and 'scoring' - hopefully I'll get to do something cool. So, drop me a line and speak to me! Cheers for now!

Mark Schory

Welcome Jason. Always great to connect to a fellow musician. Hope things keep going well for you.

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