I recently joined Stage 32. I'm primarily a script writer although am learning to produce my own work. I received word this week that my screenplay JAGUAR TRAIL made it to the second round of judging for the Sundance Writers Lab. That followed the news two weeks ago that the same script was chosen for the Meryl Streep funded Writers Lab, organized by the WGA, NY Women in Film & TV and the collective Iris. I don't expect lightening to strike twice, but it sure does make me feel great. This past spring I completed a short called THE BEAUTY OF DISASTER, and I'm applying to festivals. It's a calling card for a full length feature of the same name. It's a dark edged comedy. Wishing you all a great weekend.
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Congrats on the Sundance Lab! That's an amazing program! How did you find filming your short? Some people love it, but I've heard others get on set and just bleggggggghhhh
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Fantastic post, Janet. Congratulations on the Sundance Lab progress! Simply terrific! Also, good on you for taking matters into your own hands and producing your own material. A smart move these days. Hope to see you over in the Screenwriting section of the Lounge. Seems to me you have a ton to offer the community. Have a great weekend!
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Thanks Erik and RB!! Gotta tell you, RB, the producing webinar with Franco Samos this last week was SO HELPFUL to me. I had heard him speak during your session a few weeks ago and realized how helpful he might be ... and he was. I will check out the Screenwriting Lounge. Erik: I found the production of my short to be so much fun. I didn't direct it, and hired a very cool person to do that -- Nicole Gomez Fisher. She created an environment that was largely free of tension, and pulled in a lot of crew members she'd worked with before. So there as a real team spirit thing going on. I know that's not always possible, so I felt pretty blessed.
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Congratulations on the Sundance Lab news, Janet! Continued success!
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Hey Janet! So thrilled you found Franco's webinar to be informative and helpful. I watched as well and was blown away by the breadth of his knowledge. We always strive to bring the most experienced and qualified instructors and Franco was certainly no exception!
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Welcome Janet and congrats about your achievements :)
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Hi Janet, congrats and fingers crossed for you at Sundance Writers Lab. I applied last year. Needless to say, making it to Round 2 is an accomplishment in itself. Keep us posted please.
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Excellent! Congrats, Janet!
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Interesting, we always need scriptwriters