Financing / Crowdfunding : You have the screen play, you have the exuntive summery but now what, Money missing? by Robert Bramley

Robert Bramley

You have the screen play, you have the exuntive summery but now what, Money missing?

We are funding films that make sense to us, good stories with well know actors, not friends or family. Right now we are funding 395M in films to be done in 2016. What we need from you is as follows: we need an executive summery that shows the total budget you need. How you spend the money ect...We have 450 High Valued investors ( what is the difference between accredited and high value) accredited only needs 1.5M to invest, as high value investors must have a minimum of 20M to invest up to 500M. We have the largest database of hedge Fund and retirement funds. Do we charge up front fees NEVER. Contact me?

Regina Lee

Hi Robert, would you please share some information about the types of movies you're looking to finance (e.g. art house, tent-pole, foreign sales-driven, etc.), whether you support first-time feature directors (maybe they're written produced studio movies and are trying to direct their first feature, maybe they've directed major broadcast TV), whether you prefer to have a director, cast, distributor, sales agent, etc. in place? Thank you.

Rafael Pinero

Nice Regina, good call

Robert Bramley

Hello Regina and Rafael, We are number one in film funding worldwide, now to do that do you think we only take large films, well no really we look for quality in production, cast, director, distribution the entire picture. I say if the cast is your family and even if they can act who would fund it? We do fund independent films, but fund only projects over 5M USD. We are also on LinkedIn and there is lots to read there. We talk about upfront fees, and we say no to that, we are directly connected to the top producers and directors in this industry, Now we are private funding and many ask who is your Leander, who do you lend to. I say go to a bank as them to show you who they lend to, they will not tell. Neither will we, if you trust us with your project do you want us to tell everyone about it, I think not. The stronger the project the better chance it will get funded. Movie funding is not like buying a gold mine or a bank theses items have brick and land we can determine a value to. Your movie is more a choice of [passion for the idea, last year at the Oscars a person stood up and said a movie came out and hit 40M I=on the first weekend but still did not make money, in other words many in the filming industry cook the books. This sadly is well known, and way so many do not invest in films, we have been in business fro 39 years doing just this so we do not throw you project out to 450 investors, no we call them up and ask if they have interest in the subject matter, they say yes or no. Now also our investors are high wealth investors not accredited investors. What is the difference you ask well here it is, accredited investors only need 1.5M in assets, where a high value investor must have a minimum of 20M just to invest. We have no accredited investors, what will they do buy you a car? We are the real deal folks, no smoke or mirrors, on top of our investors we also hold the largest hedge fund and retirement fund investors who can lend up to 500M if the project supports it. What we want to see id the executive summery showing the total budget needed and how the money is to be spent. With that we find out if we can fund you film, we do not care for multi million dollar special effects films rather we like a film that educates, or asks a question or makes us think about things. We feel the film makers have a job to showcase issues in the world, to challenge common thought, to ask me why, war torn places in the world are full of stories, the future of the family in Europe is a story, look around you find the story and build a film to be remembered fro a life time if not longer. Thank you Bless All Robert Bramley CEO LEJ Financial Group

Regina Lee

Hi Robert, thanks very much for taking the time.


Hi Robert, I would like to contact you about a sci-fi thriller. I have quite a bit of the financing lined up but in a dilemna at the moment. The funds cannot kick in without a major actor attached. Actors will not want to come onto project without monies for them. Does your fund provide initial funding? Thanks, Alan

Robert Bramley

Alan, we have many film that have A list actors without all the money. Look here for agents who may have actors who might sign on. Now you say you have the funds then agree to offer equity untill funding is in place. Robert Bramley


Hi Robert, have tried looking for agents and was surprised that not one agent came up on the site unless I am looking at this wrong. Have also offered equity and same response. Agents only want to see money on the table. Curious how you were able to get A list actors without offering money.

Todd Larsen

We lost our final investor for a highly anticipated Live Event for October. Do you or the organization fund live events. Immersive Theater is all the rage, and analysts say its a great investment (Even Shark tank jumps to assist such projects)

Terrence Thompson

Robert can you give us a bit more on your group please? Do you fund documentaries? What is the criteria for your fund?

Robert Bramley

Hello everyone, I normally do not come Sunday but with so many questions lets give it a try. We are a 100% PRIVATE funding source that mans like a bank we will not talk about other we work with, nor will we talk about you. What we do is very simple, you send us a well written executive summery including a total budget and how the money is to be spent. We look and read all of that and then set up a call to talk with you in person so we can talk about what we can do. email me at: thank you Bless All Robert Bramley CEO LEJ Financial Group

Terrence Thompson

Being an ex-series 7 I fully understand this. The question was though does your firm work with documentaries with 503c fiscal sponsors? Before I send you a NDA and our proposal I would like to know if you do grants to films for tax credits or just financing for films on an equity basis.

Benn Flore

Hello Robert, I mailed three projects I am working on. Benn Flore,

Joseph Chastain

Do you have any referrals to other films you financed? No referrals not interested.

Terrence Thompson

Sir, As I stated I was in that same business for more than 15 years. Several things concern me. You are using a msn email. Even I have my own domain email. Yes I too worked with private companies but was always able to give out at least the basic information on my company. I asked what you offer in in services and you have not answered even this. It would help us all if you where more open with this community. You can give us much more information on who you are and how you work without violating anyone.s trust. I was also a series 24 besides being a series 7 so yes I do know what you can share and what you cannot. Also any production can give you the right to use them as an example. I cannot imagine not one of your success stories would let you do this. Please do not take this as a bashing post. You must understand that I also was exposed to a large amount of fake brokers in my time. To put it plain to put all our concerns to bed just please be more open. Many of us are not so inexperienced and we can handle what you propose if you spell it out. Thank you

Robert Bramley

Thank you for writing to us and let explain who we are and what we do. We are a 100% private funding team, what that means is we do not talk about others we work with in details nor will we talk about your project. We fund from 5M to over 200M depending on the project and the financial terms needed. What we need to see is a well written executive summery that includes a total budget,, that also explain how the money will be spent. Our team of experts read all you send, then vote to help or not and set up a call using a good number you give us to talk over our findings and recommendations. We have done this for 39 years so we are also by no means beginners, we are directly connected to over 465 High Value Investors, the difference between theses folks and accredited investors is as follows, accredited means they have 1.5M in assets, high value means they hold a minimum of 20M just to invest. All of our investors are high value, we also hold the largest database of hedge fund and retirement fund investors, plus we hold the best US securities for raising funds. We are as they say the real deal, do we fund everyone, no but the better written, better a director, better crew means more likely you will get funded. You may email the items I have asked for to : Projects we get this we week are read and try to vote on Friday so most likely your call we be set up for next week. Thank you Bless All Robert Bramley CEO LEJ Financial Group & Partnered with Investment Dy manics

Joseph Chastain

If you cannot give examples you know this puts up red flags to most people.

JD Hartman

O.M.G. not a Film Hedge Fund!

Tushar K Bandyopadhyay

It's really great to know your interest and area of expertise. I am a writer and filmmaker in India. I have just posted my interest here in Stage32. Yes I have everything as you have mentioned for film-funding. I want to send everything you want for the production of a brilliant film based on murder-mystery. A real mystery which would take you beyond the boundary. Trust me, it's rare, it's exceptional. What I need? I need your email id to send everything in detail. Thanks. Tushar

Tushar K Bandyopadhyay

Kozlov, You have rightly said, 'This is a crazy world'. It's a tragedy for the people like me that even after traveling a long twenty years in the world of experimental theater and breaking myself in the arena of film for the last twelve years, working with many great film-persona, I am begging for money and pleading as 'Trust me'. Yes I am a second class salesman who can not lie. It's a tragedy in this crazy world that the falsified fantasy and sexual vulgarity are sold at high price. People go to the Bar or wine shop for getting intoxicated, but the poor milk-man wander from door to door to sale a bottle of milk. Thank you friend for your valuable advise, lets try somewhere. All the best.

Terrence Thompson

Vitaly is right. Do what you can to put together a great proposal. Get help. Then talk to real people. If you have a good project do not be afraid to present it even if you are worried about being a first time producer. Leave it open to them to decide that you have a valuable project. I am a first timer also but just asking got me two experienced production teams to join. The one that I spoke to this week has a producer who worked for a major film producer for years. This is a blessing but also my chance to learn all that I can. Never be afraid to ask if you have done the work and put together a good project. I would do what he said and start from experienced people first then work on the money. I don't think our proposal would qualify to even ask for money without the amazing people who came and joined on just the merit of the project and my passion for it. If you have something good you WILL attract good people.

Allen Clark

I am looking for someone with and expertise like your own but in the line of live theater if you know of anyone..

Joseph Chastain

Michael get used to closed minded people. Anyone who can actually get your movie made is closed minded sorry to day.

Joseph Chastain

Saying "fund me" is a pretty dumb way of going about it too. That's really brash. To everyone here as well: the chances of you ever finding someone that's going to fund your movie from a post on Stage 32 like this (or anywhere else) is less than winning the lottery. Might as well buy lottery tickets and expect your film to be financed that way.

Joseph Chastain

Then do that. Stay away from pros though.

Tushar K Bandyopadhyay

Hello Robert, I find your email id here finally. Can I mail you all those details as you need for funding. I mean to say, are you still open?

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