Introduce Yourself : The playroom by Amy Leo

Amy Leo

The playroom

Good evening to all! I'm aiming to complete my VO work for parts of my film The Playroom this coming week! I wish you all the very best of success!

Amy Leo

Many thanks indeed!

Loknarr L Silvercloud

What is The Playroom about? Thanks for introducing yourself..

Amy Leo

The Playroom is a psychological thriller based on my real life experience after a horrific incident deprived me of my ability to speak and all my memory, and all this smack bang in the midst of a dreadfully abusive marriage. The primary character claws her way back to life and re-claims what has been taken from her. I hope this helps, dear Loknarr! Blessings!

Loknarr L Silvercloud

Oh wow, it's awesome that you made it through, and your story sounds fascinating, I am looking forward to seeing it. Loknarr

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