Introduce Yourself : Welcome to My Steampunk World by David Di Pietro

David Di Pietro

Welcome to My Steampunk World

Hey, I'm Dave Di Pietro, a writer/director who just finished filming Episode III of my web series, Archangel from the Winter's End Chronicles, and it feels great to be in "editing mode." Looking at what we have in the can, I am really hoping to find some funding to take this series to the next level, with some Hollywood talent in the cast!

Amanda Toney

Hi Dave, great to see you utilizing introduce yourself weekend! I recommend you watch the free webinar this Tuesday as our CEO will go over some great networking advice to help with finding funding and making valuable connections. You can read more about it here:

David Di Pietro

Thanks, Shannon!

Michael Wetherwax

Hey David, sounds interesting...doing a score for something along same lines.....?......demo of God's Lion's on my site.........

Rene Hinojosa

Interesting! I'd like to see the finished project!

David Di Pietro

I have links and packages ready for anyone interested, Rene! :)

David Di Pietro

Thank you, Alec! Let me know if you know any Producers! :)

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