Screenwriting : Inciting Incident Supercut - 50 Movie Moments by Clare McGlinchey

Clare McGlinchey

Inciting Incident Supercut - 50 Movie Moments

Fleurette M Van Gulden

Viewed your share of inciting incidents. They went by so fast I missed the beat. Except THE GRADUATE. Isn't he the lucky one. Free bunny and graduating course My first read screenplay was FIRST BLOOD. The incident and conflict came directly. From a simple need. The right to a cup of coffee in any darn town. As a soldier returning from Nam that is a given. Took a cockspured Sherriff to think otherwise. Delivers the Vet on the edge of town. He returns and we know the rest.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Thanks for sharing, Clare!

Leotien Parlevliet

Thanks for sharing, Clare! Most of the inciting incidents were quite clear.

Sally Connors


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