Introduce Yourself : Happy to be here in the Stage 32 community! by Donna Wheeler

Donna Wheeler

Happy to be here in the Stage 32 community!

Excited to meet, mingle and create together. Will be at Sundance 2016 :-)

Randa Karambelas

I suspect LOTS of Stage 32 folks will be there. I bet there will be a Stage 32 meet-up somewhere. Let's all stay in touch. Welcome Donna!!!


Welcome to Stage 32, Donna!

Donna Wheeler

Thanks, Jake :-) I don't have a film of mine there this year no; I will be hanging out and mingling though. I arrive Sat Jan 23 and stay through Wed. Any Stage 32 Meet Ups I want to attend so let me know asap! Thx

Jordane Christie

Anyone else going to Sundance 2016 and have room in your suitcase please kindly insert me in it. :) Have fun Donna!

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