Introduce Yourself : I Am Happy To Help Anyone Connected With Me Here That I Can.... by John Charnay

John Charnay

I Am Happy To Help Anyone Connected With Me Here That I Can....

I Am Happy To Help Anyone Among My Stage 32 Connections That I Can.... Whether you're looking to create greater success in your entertainment career or find greater visibility or funding for your project, I would love to help you if I can.... I’m a Producer For Film And Television; Entertainment Career Coach; Fundraising Consultant; Publicist; and Writer from Burbank, CA. I enjoy meeting people in the afternoons and early evenings over coffee at my local Starbucks near Warner Brothers to help them with their projects and/or their careers...and I am always looking for new people I can help. I am also looking for loglines of great stories to consider producing. See my LinkedIn profile (under Dr. John B. Charnay) for my email and connect with me there, plus on Twitter, and here, and on my several Facebook pages (one personal, one as a producer and one for my firm, Charnay & Associates).

Clark Blomquist

John, your invite is tempting. I do have a script that would make a great film. I'm considering producing it myself - but I know that is a steep hill to climb. Check out and see if you'd like to talk more about it.

John Charnay

Pass! As a producer I only seek projects with tremendous global commercial appeal that are unique...and preferably uplifting and inspiring-- helping to awaken mankind to its spiritual magnificence. See my Stage 32 “desert island” films for reference. You might perhaps be better advised to do that project as a t.v. movie...I DO help other people with their projects even if they do not fit the mold I have stated. However, it is difficult if they do not... too many are not unique, not positive, nor commercially or globally appealing...and it much, much easier for me to help if the persons behind them are able to meet with me in person. Let me know next time you are in Hollywood, though! I can tell you have a creative and talented mind!

Clark Blomquist

Thanks for the reply John. I assume you checked out the web site. A film for TV is a valid option. I will check out your Desert Island site.

Marilyn Du Toit

Thanks John, I will keep it in mind I am working on a Isis story , just it is in novel format, when complete I will put it into a screenplay. And will send you a logline.

John Charnay

Likely A Pass, Marilyn. Too Negative A Subject Matter For Me. My Projects Are Always Uplifting And Positive (I Am Seeking To Awaken All Of Mankind To Its Spiritual Magnificence). Thanks!

Mark Brewer

I again am encouraged by your posts and your replies - you are always so positive, helpful, and encouraging of others. Thank you for showing us newbies that not everyone in this business is a total ego maniacal jerk.

John Charnay

George: Private message me its logline...Thanks!

Christie Claymore

Hello there! Cinema is wonderful, thank you for your online contribution! I am inspired do work better :D

John Charnay

Thanks, Christie! Let Me Know If I Can Help In Any Way!

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