Introduce Yourself : Well-traveled, Well-read & Very Thankful! by Kentrell Liddell

Kentrell Liddell

Well-traveled, Well-read & Very Thankful!

I'm new at Stage 32, so please bear with me. So far, I'm really liking what I'm seeing and reading. You guys are amazing! Thank you for being so kind and open. I appreciate the camaraderie and "cheerleader attitude" that several of you have already expressed. Thank you! A little about me: I love to travel, read, write, and watch movies of all genre. I especially like movies that teach us more about ourselves - those that pique social consciousness. There are some film that grab me from the very beginning, and no matter how many times I watch them, a tear or two will fall: Forrest Gump, The Titanic, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, just to name a few. My ultimate goal is to create as equally as poignant a literary work. Like the practice of medicine, writing is an art and a healing one at that. Even though a particular work may not be therapy for you, you never know who your work will touch and what ill it may heal. Happy Writing!

Shawn Speake

Happy Holidays, Kentrell! Great to have you with us. If you get a chance, check out the upcoming web with our CEO, RB. It's a great way to get connected to the community. And it's entertaining - you gotta love that! I included the link for easy access... Just delete my info and add yours! ...

Kentrell Liddell

All registered. Thanks, Shawn!

Shawn Speake

You're so welcome, Kentrel ... It's my favorite feature on the site - so glad you're gonna be there

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