Every now and then doesn't it make you roll your eyes at yourself a little bit when you put 17 (or 4) titles next to your name? Or is it just me? :) Hey everyone - I have only recently started getting hip to all that is Stage 32 - it was one of those things where I already had a bajillion social media sites and didn't want to keep up with another one. BUT thanks for being persistent RB because I'm glad I'm in. Just this month alone, I've watched 6 webinars and found tons of useful information. Oh wait, I'm supposed to be introducing myself. OK let's see - well I'm pretty excited to finally be moving to LA after working in film in New England for the past 5 years. I started as an actor and then moved into the production side of things, starting the company Sensorium Pictures. This last year for me has been a whirlwind of competition-based filmmaking - HBO's Project Greenlight Top 20 "Whiskey Boys" https://www.facebook.com/ProjectGreenlight/videos/vl.828410770573831/874... , followed by Wildcard winning/Top 4 Lionsgate finalist for a national comp they ran for female directors. https://www.facebook.com/twilight/videos/vl.137882239878254/101531236047... Now, thanks to the hibernation that is winter, we are almost at the finish line for my two-film short film "Cleave" that will be submitted to the 2016/17 fest circuit (you can see the first trailer here: https://www.facebook.com/whatsyourcleave/). I'm pretty excited about how it's shaking out. We're also finalizing the packaging for a Period Western (or Eastern as we refer to it) miniseries set just after the Civil War. * I would tell you more, but we haven't copy-written the new script yet and all that jazz. The second package we're working on is for a low budget family/holiday/dramedy/whimsical fantasy feature, "Charlotte Sometimes" https://www.facebook.com/charlottesometimesmovie/?fref=ts. This of course means treatments/biz plans, look books, briefs, character profiles, posters/promo material, and branding. It's pretty much essential that I do yoga every day or I'm liable to not fit in my pants anymore with all the time I'm spending with my computer. So there's that. Acting-wise, I'm buckling down on training right now. I'm enjoying the Masterclass with Dustin Hoffman and getting together with scene partners to work stuff out. Because of the move, I don't have more in production right now, but I'm cool with that because I get to studyyyy. Anyway, that's me. I have more stuff wherever @catecarson can be found - www.catecarson.com , facebook.com/catecarson and @sensoriump. Our sensoriumpictures.com site is under construction as we wait for @thegrid to finally be available to us. It's been in beta forever, but an AI website? Yeah I'll wait. So- vimeo.com/sensoriumpictures would be better for now. Oh btw - Christmas in 4 days. Final shopping reminder. You're welcome.
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Hello Cate! Oh my goodness it looks like you've been keeping busy. That's awesome. Good luck on your move to LA and on your projects!
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And hi to you, Cate. Yes, I noticed you as a woman director.... I just edited my post to add website info etc for anyone interested. I also see the Civil War era miniseries you have in development -- I added a note to my post about my film actor son Jared Winslow and his Civil War feature....
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@Madelyn - thanks for sharing, will check it out. @Aaron, thanks! You as well. Not the moving to LA part obvs. :)
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Wow, Cate, you've got so much going on! Enjoyed watching your trailer. I'll be heading south to L.A. in a few months, myself. Catch ya there!
@David - thanks for watching the trailer. And yes, let's connect now and see you there!
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Welcome Cate. Everything you are working on sounds super exciting. Congrats on the successes and may they continue for a long, long time. Cheers from the east coast.
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Great intro Cate. You've covered kind regards, multiple projects and a holiday shopping reminder, so I bet everything on your checklist is already marked off. :) You mentioned webinars so you probably already seen this one: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Move-to-LA-and-Work-in-Entertain... But you haven't mentioned any blogs, so here are few that reference moving to LA: https://www.stage32.com/blog?search=moving+to+la I hope some of this helps. Cheers and Happy Holidays, Tomasz
Thanks @Phil and @Kevin! @Tomasz, everything except finalized food making plans. ha! I did actually watch that webinar, thanks :) I will definitely check out the blog section. Happy holidays to you as well.
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Welcome to the community Cate. All the best.
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Welcome here! You sound very happily busy :)))
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Hi Cate, nice to meet you.
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Nice to meet you Cate!
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Welcome Cate! We are glad you are here.
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Hey Cate; better late than never. Hope you have a good holiday.
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Hi Cate, I'm Ashley Moore Nice to meet you here.
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Good luck Cate.
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Wishing you success Cate you're doing fine work!
Thanks all! Great to connect :)
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You are indeed here, nice to meet you! Keep learning! Best, Aliyah
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Hi Cate, pleasure meeting you.