Filmmaking / Directing : Preparing Audition Sides by Daniel Grzeskowiak

Daniel Grzeskowiak

Preparing Audition Sides

As I put together the sides for an audition I'm having, I start to question how soon to put them out for the actors to see. As an actor myself, I know they would prefer as early as possible. But I was wondering if there is any reason to not release them a month before the audition and wait until a few weeks before?

Regina Lee

A popular opinion is that if actors have sides for too long, they may well over-work the scenes, and their read loses its freshness. Feels too rehearsed.

Daniel Grzeskowiak

True, I could see that working against some of the actors auditions.

Michael Audet

As an actor, I would say a few days is more than enough. That way, everyone knows that there's work to be done, and the the actor can be better molded to how the director wants to portray his vision.

Sandrene Mathews

If I got sides a month ahead I would probably work them then forget about it until the night before. Unless it's something I was really excited about, life would get in the way. You also run the risk of some actors bombarding you with questions (I had that problem and didn't even use sides for my audition!) I agree with the recommendation of a week or less.

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