So for all the procrastinators and/or time "mismanagers" I find this quite useful when writing. I took a course called Learning How to Learn a while ago, and this technique was offered to help people who can't always focus. I find it super useful when brainstorming or when trying to bang out some pages. If you're like me and find 100 other things to do before sitting down to write, check it out if you've never heard of it before.
That sounds like me. I will check this out. Thanks!
Thank you Rayna for this link, I really needed a techinque like this to work efficiently.
I hope you guys have found it helpful. Glad to share!
3 people like this
That's if you're butt ugly Dan. If you're a looker then you sure can get free honey. ;
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Rayna: Enjoyed the short video. Total isolation works for me, #3. Oops, we are not supposed to jump a step. Thanks, Rayna. Gotta go, my tea with free honey is getting cold.:)