Screenwriting : Easter eggs, hidden messages, cliffhangers, to be continued by Allen R. Nelson

Allen R. Nelson

Easter eggs, hidden messages, cliffhangers, to be continued

Let's consider I've sold this script which contains for example some Easter eggs related to my next, another story, future project or hidden messages beyond the storyline, cleverly hid in scenes or simply in names or locations in the script that ends with some kind of a cliffhanger. The story ends certainly but there will remain this question in your mind: what happens next?! The story is not mine anymore. It's sold out. But the buyer, producer, director have no idea about how those hidden messages work, what are the references to those Easter eggs or what happens next. Can I write again using those Easter eggs, hidden messages to reveal the message, and a sequel for that script?

Allen R. Nelson

I'm not a filmmaker. I'm simply a screenwriter. For me to direct, it's a little too early and the opportunity is not gonna present itself, at least not yet. Besides it has to come under some terms. I just asked if I'm not going to be accused of using what I have used in my sold script. I wanna know if I can write sequels or prequels to my sold script without asking for permission from its new owner.

Allen R. Nelson

You're definitely right. All these stories I've got, they're all long long journeys and I have a lot lot to tell about them. God dammit!!! I should leave all other trivia and work harder. Write harder. Thank you Max! You may sound mean but I'd like to hear from you again.

Allen R. Nelson

Yeah that was quite going the wrong way, but I can write a novel. It's as soon as abc for me because I have more experiences around books than scripts. Characterization, making the atmosphere with all those descriptions wanna put are much easier and tastier!! Than screenwriting. And sure thing, Max.

Anderson Percival

I have to agree with Patricia that when your selling your script, keep some creative control so that it ends with the cliffhangers and easter eggs that you want. This way its easier to create a sequel. Dan , the producer buys the script and the director is hired to bring the script to life on the screen. the audience does pay for the screenwriter without knowing it. If the screenwriter doesn't created the script there is no film for the audience to see. We screenwriters are usually overshadowed by the actors and directors

William Martell

Once the the screenplay sells, the producer owns it... and if they make the film (only 10% of purchased scripts make it to the screen), and if that film is successful, and if they decide to make a sequel... they are unlikely to hire the original screenwriter to write that sequel. So it's kind of a waste of time to write a sequel. Once you sell the screenplay, you will no longer own the characters (the producer will) so that sequel is a dead script.

Allen R. Nelson

Now I'm a little lost here. What should I really do? I certainly have a franchise and it's as big as I don't know what to compare it with. It's a long story through creation of what we never ever had thought about. A series of movies is already failed. A novel sounds like a waste. If I sell any part of the story as a script then for sure I've lost the franchise and the opportunity to write sequels. I don't even have enough budget to develop it myself. This for ways got unforeseeable ends!!

Allen R. Nelson

Helpful information, Ms. Zell. I'll get there! Let's not make empty promises but I'll make sure of that, Max. You'll have that signed book!

Allen R. Nelson

Haha sure. The Journey of Six.

Allen R. Nelson

Really? Wow. But I haven't just reveal the name of my franchise. That's the very ending and the great story beyond it.

Allen R. Nelson

What if they don't and they mostly don't. I don't wanna be that guy regretting his sold script and wasted franchise. I must find someone who's interested in my story.

Allen R. Nelson

You're right. I just realized I'm an unstable person. I think I should start a new topic.

Allen R. Nelson

And they must be patient. You got that 1% and you need to wait for your signed book.

Allen R. Nelson

I actually just asked. I'm not a guy to dive into what I'm not sure about. That's why I'm not going to submit anything right now. If they won't want to deal with me on my sold script of the franchise then all those great plans I had in mind are ruined and a great project is lost, as I said before. I'm sure no screenwriter would want that for his/her stories. You had a great project and you sold it out. The story is incomplete and you can make a chain of sequels for it but the opportunity is lost. You got the money, yes. But all you can do is to watch your wasted story and it's ruined storyline and you can never write those sequels even as different projects because they are related to your sold script.

Shelly J Buckman

So, the script belongs to whoever bought it. Once they buy it, the characters cannot be reused UNLESS the Franchise option was mentioned up front and agreed to OR they agree after the fact. Am I getting that straight? Another question ... this is in regard to the initial contract. Is it best to have skilled representation before entering into a contract or is it more typical to deal directly with whoever the purchaser may be?

Cherie Grant

Allen, that is writing. Welcome to Hollywood. You're gonna have to deal with loss and wasted opportunities. I mean you should be so lucky.

William Martell

Make a list of 5 franchises which began with an original screenplay. Look up who wrote each one. You will find that it's never the same writer. You write the first one, you sell it, they own it, they make the sequels without you. I wrote a (stupid) family film which ended up spawning 4 sequels. They called me in to pitch for the first sequel, didn't like my idea (even though it had been set up in the first film) and hired another writer. That writer didn't write the third film in the series. That's how it works. Shane Black sells LETHAL: WEAPON for a pile of money, when it comes sequel time, they hire him to take a stab at it - but then fire him and bring in another writer who wrote the script. (and there may have been a half dozen uncredited writers in the meantime - there usually are.) Scripts are written and sold one at a time. Just move on to the next script... they all might end up franchises.

Regina Lee

"Never" is too strong a word, though Mr. Martell's point is nevertheless no less valid. I'm not the type who's very good with these types of questions (like I'm not good with tennis stats or batting averages). I'm just looking at my DVD shelf where I keep my box sets. AMERICAN PIE (first 3 were all written by creator Adam Herz), BACK TO THE FUTURE (to my knowledge, all 3 were by Zemeckis and Bob Gale), and SCREAM (first 2 were written by creator Kevin Williamson; I think Dimension wanted him to write the 3rd but he didn't have the inspiration to do so). I only have first-hand experience with AMERICAN PIE 3, and I can 100% guarantee that no writer other than Adam Herz touched the script.

William Martell

You left out THE MATRIX. (I tend to use words like "never" when people are fighting education)

Regina Lee

never (used for emphasis) :-) Btw, I outed myself as someone old enough to own DVD box sets.

Allen R. Nelson

I think some people are getting me wrong. I know about those examples. It's never or most likely the first creator who writes the sequels but my ideas for this franchise is not like any of those examples. I can hardly find a good example. Look at the Final Destination. There's an original storyline followed by each part but there are different characters going through different events. Maybe it was only one script at a time and the movie was entertaining or made enough money to be continued, or maybe it was a franchise at the beginning. My project is something like A Song of Ice and Fire ( I'm not comparing!) Each book/episode is a perfect long story alone. My scripts of this franchise are going to be parts of a puzzle to complete the storyline using different stories and characters of each part, so you can see why they're all related to each other at last. Like we're all members of the same social media but we're not the same. Screenwriters, producer, directors, music compositors, musicians, models and etc. But each of us is after a main goal: to triumph. And we are trying to make it in different ways. Got it?

Shelly J Buckman

@Allen. I've been following this thread with only one comment earlier on but I do get it, and have gotten it all along. At least I think I understand what you're saying. I have my personal passion project that is like that. The story is so damned big, it truly takes more than one script/book whatever to tell it. Unfortunately, the hard truth is, it doesn't matter how we, the Writers, feel about it. You write that first installment to either sell, which means you have some options but ultimately it's all up to the one who purchased it OR you hang on to it until you're in a place to make decisions through the entire process. I think that the reality of the industry is such, it's unlikely I will finish my passion project anytime in the near future. I care so deeply about it, I don't want to offer it up for possible separation or to be ousted from it, so to speak. And, when I am ready to present it, I'll do so only when the entire thing is done. In the meantime, I keep writing, punching out scripts that amuse me. So, while I do completely understand how much you care about your story and the telling of it (as most Writers do), I'm not sure what your actual question is. I like following this and many other threads. Such great information comes out when other Writers respond in an effort to help but what are you actually asking that hasn't been answered? Just curious because, as I said, these threads/conversations are helpful to me as well :) Oh and BTW, you have a SOLD script. CONGRATS!!! In the discussion, it was easy to lose sight of how wonderful that must be for you!!

Shelly J Buckman

@Dan M. - That link to the is huge. I wish I were in L.A. right now. I'd definitely go!!! I think the information is invaluable to Writers, especially new ones who have not had the business experience in the industry yet. Really great link post!

Allen R. Nelson

That's what exactly we should do but my problem is that most of my scripts can be related to that franchise. Just like that example which I targeted our social media. But I'll try and do my best to pursue my plans in this career. Whatever it takes. And I'm sorry for the confusion but I haven't sold out yet. It was just the option and I think I'll wait for now and present other scripts.

Shelly J Buckman

@Dan M. - You know sometimes I just love the shit out of you! :))))) Really made me feel good that whole (and you will). Thank you for that! @Allen. Sounds like a plan and you've definitely come to the right place for support, information and all things Writer ;)

Shelly J Buckman

@Dan M. - I'll show you 1% of mine if you show me 1% of yours ;) Since you're already a PAID Writer, I'm pretty sure this is a better deal for me :)

Allen R. Nelson

Joining Stage 32 might be the best thing happened for me in thelast year. It's geeeat to be among all these talents and creatives. I feel more comfortable here rather than home. And Max. I don't know if you're interested in this story I've got but if you want, I can give you 100% percent of it.

Allen R. Nelson

I'm going to do that. But I'm still up to give you that story if you want. I don't mind if you take it for yourself or whatever. I've got too many other stories to tell. One's down, I'll make another one. I don't really mind. They come to me like raindrops. I'm trusting my feelings. Sounds weird I know but I feel like I wanna give it to you.

Allen R. Nelson

I'm not looking for feedbacks, Max. I'm just giving it away. There's no script and I only have the story in my mind.

Allen R. Nelson

Seriously Max. You sounded so interested asking for 1 percent of my franchise.

Jorge J Prieto

Allen: You need to start writing, my friend. Beginning, middle and end. Write, write, write. How about a logline? At least, is a start. Dan Max is waiting.

Allen R. Nelson

I need to be more direct on my meaning. I'm already working on a tv script and my franchise. This story I'm talking about is something as an extras in a movie. It's just something I'm not really into it. Maybe someone else can make something much better out of it. I'll be happy to share it. But it has to be the whole story.

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