Hi, I am a writer/director. I released my feature debut which I also wrote in cinemas nationwide in 2014. That won several alright festivals. Then I went on to write and co-direct a feature, which was co-produced by HBO and that was released few months ago and will be featured at A class festival. I am currently preparing a feature screenplay and a TV show for HBO. All of this is happening abroad. Now, I was asked to write someone's first feature. The guy is well connected, he is looking to get around 5 mil. for the film. I will be co-writing this with another writer and together, we have a backing of a production company in central London, meaning the meetings with the guy are not happening in Costa, but in an creative office, where I always have presentations and mood boards for him. He is getting and will continue to get top treatment. Now, I am looking for a step deal, but I would like your advice on how much should I ask for the screenplay in total. I have a clue, but I want to double check. Thank you for all your help, links etc.
I would try to find out what the Central London prod co typically pays for in-house development. Politely inquire with other writers they've hired and/or agents who rep those writers. "I'm being offered a job by x under y circumstances. Based on your experience working with them, what do you think a fair fee would be?" Or find out what other comparable prod cos in London pay. You can probably only compare apples to apples in this case. Even in mainstream Hollywood, a writer might get one fee at a big studio like Warner Bros, but he has to cut his fee when working for an indie like Sidney Kimmel. Apples to apples.
Hi Mike. I note Dan's comment. Isn't if difficult to get representation? Or, am I missing something. Not sure I can help.
Dear Dan, I'm sure Mike will be most grateful for this assistance. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Kind regards,
Hi Dan and others, you touched upon a very interesting topic here. I would like to get an agent here in the UK, I believe my credentials are 'good enough' by now, but not entirely sure how to go about it. I understand it's hard for a talented student who just graduated, but even those manage to get top agency representation. So how about someone like me?:) // Thank you for the idea of letting your agent to help out on this one, but there is a personal connection here, so agent involvement not the best thing to do at the moment.
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calculate your living expensives for a year and just mutliply that by 10, you should ask and receive that amount or you just ask for 1 million dollars, mwahahaha.
Try to get at least WGA minimum based on budget.
Hey Erskine, what are the reasons why asking for WGA Minimum from a Central London producer who isn't signatory to the WGA when you're a non-WGA writer in a non-WGA country the best course of action? I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck. I'd love to learn from your strategy. Might that kind of request rub a potential employer the wrong way? How would you avoid rubbing them the wrong way? How would you suggest the negotiation be handled? Thank you.
I'm not the most aggressive negotiator, so please, if you have aggressive negotiation strategies, please teach us. No joke! Thank you.
Regina, no rationale other than in any compensation negotiation, if you're looking for a base number, go to a source that gives you one. Being a signatory is irrelevant when you're looking for a starting point.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Personally, I'd still be concerned about starting out on the wrong foot, but you gotta do what you feel is right.
That's a good question.
Ok everyone, thanks for all the input. It's obvious that this is a topic no-one really has a definite answer for. Of course I researched the WGA minimum etc., but after my meeting with the director/producer today, we agreed on 2% of the production budget, which adds up to something, which I consider relevant. So far the 'rule of a thumb' 1%-3% of the production budget depending on your previous experience seemed as a good guide to it. Also, you can negotiate the type of deal (half now, half after if you're on that level, or a step deal, percentage deal etc.) It's all a lot of fun, really. I'm very happy with the outcome, amazing 2x Academy Award nominee DOP agreed to shoot it, some known names actors on the wish-list, so all very exciting. Only one thing left to do... write that bloody thing.
Congratulations, brother. I'm for your outcome.
Hard work pays off. And its has happen for you. Thank you for sharing your blessing with me.