Introduce Yourself : My name is Kassandra... by Kassandra Heit

Kassandra Heit

My name is Kassandra...

I am a recent high school graduate from a small town in Wisconsin. Ever since I was in middle school, I have been writing nonstop. I started writing movie scripts, then short stories, and now I've been writing a TV show for about a year now. It's been a lot of fun writing, and I can't wait to get myself through the door and have the career I want. So far, I have fifty different movie scripts either started or finished. I have an online account where I have 90 stories and other people can read and review them. In the past year, I have come up with six different ideas for TV shows, and I've got a full season of one of them done. Everybody thought that writing was just going to be a phase for me. They never thought I would want to make a career out of it. So, that's me.

Wardaan T

Lovely introduction. Good to see you here.

Kassandra Heit

Thanks! It feels good to finally be connected to people who are interested in the same things as I am.

Elisabeth Meier

Welcome to Stage32, nice to have you with us. It's always great to join this community as you suddenly feel you are not the only one who's crazy for writing, filmmaking, storytelling. Enjoy it and have fun!

Izzibella Beau

Hi, Kassandra, Welcome to Stage 32. If possible, please post your account if it's public access. I would love to read some of your work.

Rania Lakhal

Welcome and wish you big success.

Anthony Cawood

Welcome Kassandra.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Kassandra! Great to have you with us. You're focused! Feel free to contact me if there's anything I can do to help you. We're here for you.

Kassandra Heit

Thanks! That's so cool of you!

Mark Mccoy

I like your motivation. You're in the right place.

Marielle Bosco

I'm 14 and can totally relate! I hope to connect with you!

Rosalind Winton

Hi Kassandra, you've done really well, keep going and I'm sure you will connect with many great people here who will encourage you.

Kassandra Heit

Thanks! Everybody on here is really supportive so far.

Thea Samuelson

Sounds great!

Brian Walsh

Keep going, Kassandra! Great to have you in the community.

Jorge J Prieto

Kassandra, welcome to the community. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Love it! We are all nuts here in a good way,. Right guys? Elizabeth?

Elisabeth Meier

@Jorge. Yeah, that's what I meant. =))

Jim Duncan

Welcome, Kassandra

Robert Parera

Jorge, who me crazy .........NO

Elisabeth Meier

@Robert - lol. So, this is the "Who Sir, me Sir?" game here?

Robert Parera

Who Sir, me Sir, you Sir. Who's on first, what's on second, who's Pitching. No he's on first !!!!!

Robert Parera

Abbott and Costello, second greatest comedy team ever.

Elisabeth Meier

lol. I never saw this Abbot and Costello. I know it from the film "The Houseboat" with Cary Grant and Sophia Loren.

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