Been seeing so many interesting profiles on here, so i've finally decided to say hi to all to hopefully connect with more of you and even work with. I have always loved watching movies. When I was younger, i used to wonder how they're made. Watching what goes on behind the scenes made me interested in getting involved, but never really knew how to since i knew no one in the industry back then. So life went on, but with a void that i can never explain until one day one of my friends told me he wants to be a director. He wrote a short film, and asked me to be in it since he knew i loved movies. I had zero acting experience, and was scared out of mind, but i took the plunge anyway. The reactions we received from those that watched it were amazing. Started taking acting classes after that, and 10 films later, i found myself writing screenplays and directing a couple of short films, and now planning a new project. My experience over those years has filled that void i had, which made me realize that this what i want to do every day of life. Thank you, and best of luck to all with your projects.
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Congratulations to you for taking the plunge into acting - now 10 films later, aren't you glad you did it?? I see you're located in New Jersey. I notices a lot of Stage 32 meetups happening in New Jersey this week, so you should definitely check them out: Also, definitely connect with Lisa Rysinger - she's pretty tied into the New Jersey creative community:
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Wow, great story, I'm still pretty new to acting, but just signed with an agent and I also do a lot of self submitting, and look forward to building my resume...:))
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Thank you Amanda. Yes, thank God I took the plunge :) Will check meetups. And best of luck to you Cylinda. I hope the agent works well with you.
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Thank you Beibers, and Thanks for connecting with me....:))
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Can't be recognized if you hide in the shadows, Beibers. Hope this is the first of many posts for you here on 32!
Thank you RB.
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Very welcome, Beibers!
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Hi BB! Your story is truly inspiring and I'm really proud of your progress. Keep up the good work and always know you'll always have a friend in me. Nice meeting you and welcome to the family :)
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Thank you Carline! Great to see someone so young, full of passion for what you do, and wear a few hats which i think gives more opportunities to get creative. Best of luck with everything!
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You're too kind. Thank you!