Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone at Stage 32! by Beibers Baterdouk

Beibers Baterdouk

Hello everyone at Stage 32!

Been seeing so many interesting profiles on here, so i've finally decided to say hi to all to hopefully connect with more of you and even work with. I have always loved watching movies. When I was younger, i used to wonder how they're made. Watching what goes on behind the scenes made me interested in getting involved, but never really knew how to since i knew no one in the industry back then. So life went on, but with a void that i can never explain until one day one of my friends told me he wants to be a director. He wrote a short film, and asked me to be in it since he knew i loved movies. I had zero acting experience, and was scared out of mind, but i took the plunge anyway. The reactions we received from those that watched it were amazing. Started taking acting classes after that, and 10 films later, i found myself writing screenplays and directing a couple of short films, and now planning a new project. My experience over those years has filled that void i had, which made me realize that this what i want to do every day of life. Thank you, and best of luck to all with your projects.

Amanda Toney

Congratulations to you for taking the plunge into acting - now 10 films later, aren't you glad you did it?? I see you're located in New Jersey. I notices a lot of Stage 32 meetups happening in New Jersey this week, so you should definitely check them out: Also, definitely connect with Lisa Rysinger - she's pretty tied into the New Jersey creative community:

Cylinda McAlister

Wow, great story, I'm still pretty new to acting, but just signed with an agent and I also do a lot of self submitting, and look forward to building my resume...:))

Beibers Baterdouk

Thank you Amanda. Yes, thank God I took the plunge :) Will check meetups. And best of luck to you Cylinda. I hope the agent works well with you.

Cylinda McAlister

Thank you Beibers, and Thanks for connecting with me....:))

Richard "RB" Botto

Can't be recognized if you hide in the shadows, Beibers. Hope this is the first of many posts for you here on 32!

Beibers Baterdouk

Thank you RB.

Richard "RB" Botto

Very welcome, Beibers!

Carline Yaimette

Hi BB! Your story is truly inspiring and I'm really proud of your progress. Keep up the good work and always know you'll always have a friend in me. Nice meeting you and welcome to the family :)

Beibers Baterdouk

Thank you Carline! Great to see someone so young, full of passion for what you do, and wear a few hats which i think gives more opportunities to get creative. Best of luck with everything!

Carline Yaimette

You're too kind. Thank you!

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