Introduce Yourself : A Boy Can Dream by Michael Coccovizzo

A Boy Can Dream

Hi All, I don't post much on social media, but I figured to give Stage32 a shot. I am a freelance video editor, primarily working with Final Cut Pro 7 and Adobe Premiere. I am currently trying to learn Avid, and wish to get to work with other editing software to further my skills in editing. My long term goal is to become a wiz at post-production, and to edit a feature film and see my name on awards (hey, a boy can dream can he?). Right now, I haven't had any luck with finding work; having interview after interview, and not nailing the right job despite having great interviews. With bills and loans creeping up, it's not a good time for me right now. All I can do right now is to hold on to hope and keep trying. I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the Summer weather.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Michael. Might put you more at ease to know that one of the reasons I started this platform was that I wasn't a fan of broad based social media sites as it related to my creative pursuits. Think you'll find this platform to be one you'll want to contribute to due to the concentrated networking possibilities. We're all creatives here. Also think you'll find this community to be the most collaborative and friendly anywhere in the world. Great to have you here!

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