Hey what's up guys I'm back again. This time I'm talking about film festivals and I want your input on this. So I was at a film festival recently. I'm not going to name drop but I was here due to a project I was an assistant director on. There were about 20 other entries (short films of course) and ours was I'd say in the middle of the pack overall. Where people got really mad was the award ceremony. There were at least 7 films that easily deserved awards yet only about 4 got them. Why you may ask because one film won every single award there was. It gets really bad considering that was the only production company that sponsored the festival. As well as the director won the best new director award but apparently he won the same award in 2009. Conclusion for film festivals especially local ones can you basically assume you're film is not even going to be mentioned? I know there are a lot of variables to this question but just in general should you assume this?Thanks everyone.
I personally don't think that they are all like that, but things happen like that. But the key thing you have to look at is that it got seen by someone. From a director's point of view, I wouldn't just stop there or let that affect me. If it was rigged oh well continue doing what you do and move on to the next one. Things like this happens in the industry from what I have been told by many of the professionals I have met.
Jonathan Sothcott crony Neil Jones (who is also the subject of Police and HMRC investigations) started a film festival so they could give their own movies awards.https://issuu.com/ufmag.org/docs/ufm_issue_9 Besides that film festival agents have ways of getting your film in to festivals and bypassing the usual vetting, but I doubt whether they get the films undeserved awards.
Thanks for the comments everyone! I wont let it affect it my work. I was shocked how biased it was. It's good to know it wasn't just this festival but it's sad to hear that festivals being rigged are common.