Screenwriting : 30 Minute Script by Kimmie Easley

Kimmie Easley

30 Minute Script

I'm currently working on a 30 minute adult comedy. I'm following the 3 ACT STRUCTURE (Teaser, Acts, Sting). However, I'm having difficulty finding length/pages for each breakdown. Any help out there? Thanks! Kimmie

David Liberman

I am assuming this is a pilot you are writing. If so, there isn't a set rule for page breakdown. Some comedies read fast and because of that, they are long. Take a look at the length of the VEEP pilot script. It is 45 pages for a 30 minute script. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT was around 60, as I recall. Also, figure out who you are writing for? If you are looking at premium cable or Netflix/Amazon, etc, you do not need to write in act breaks. They don't cut to commercial. Basic cable and network do, so you will need to account for them. If the latter is the route you are choosing, then watch some TV and see how often a comedy cuts to commercial. Each commercial break is an act break. Also, a teaser isn't a requirement. It's a choice. Many shows do not have teasers. It is up to you. Does it need a teaser? Would that make the story better? below is a link to the VEEP pilot.

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