Acting : Agent search by Laura LaMonaco

Laura LaMonaco

Agent search

Hello Stage 32. I am in the search for an acting agent. I feel like I've made a lot of mistakes in my acting career before of all the "unwritten" and "nonverbal" rules and do's and don'ts. SO I was wondering if any of you have been successful finding an agent how did you go about it? Can you give any tips of do and don't? I've recently submitted to an agency I think is looking for my type (Via a tweet on twitter) but just in case they decided to not rep me, I don't want to stop there. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Oh wow, I literally just gave the spiel 5 minutes ago here: It's just one way of doing it, if you tried other things before and didn't work, let us know. There's also cold-mailing, which I know doesn't work 95% of the time. I think doing research first will yield better results.

Suzanne Bronson

I wouldn't cold mail. If they have a website it will give you submission instructions. If they don't have one, I call first and ask if they are accepting submissions.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

99.9% correct. (because 99.9% cold mail ends up in trash) - there are some less obtrusive ways of getting their attention first without cold mailing. If you have an exact agency in mind, you could do some light stalking so that at least they recognize your name. :) If they're not accepting submission at this time, it doesn't mean they won't in the future, so never burn any bridges. Just need to be organized and vigilant.

Laura LaMonaco

Thank you. I know how to find agents and managers. I was referring to more of, if you write a cover letter, what would you say, would you submit an older demo reel if that's all yo had or use a self taped monologue for a more updated "demo" etc. Because I am Union, I have access to proper agents and managers, I'm just more afraid of saying or dong something wrong. I already know that you can only submit either with their permission or through their website.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

If you ask me, a bad self-tape is like putting on your resume that you have a driver license, but I've heard a lot of success stories from actors who landed bookings with good ones, so in short, I think it depends on the quality. But as far as agents and managers go, I'm not sure why you'd ever send them a self tape. To me self tape means "look, I have the potential", while demo work means "look, I did it, and I can do it again". That's what I think, but do remember that everybody's different and there are definitely exceptions to everything.

Laura LaMonaco

That's a good way to look at .... Thx.

Regina Lee

Politely ask your Casting Director, producer, director, writer friends to introduce you to their agent friends. Buy them a nice thank you gift in success. Or send news of a recent impressive gig, "Since we last spoke, I've just booked xyz." If possible, include a Variety, Hollywood Reporter, LA Times type of review. Invite them to a stage play you've booked and offer them a comp. In the meantime, keep booking jobs on your own and break a leg!!

Suzanne Bronson

FYI: the SAG AFTRA youtube channel is an excellent resource. They have a series called The Business where you ask questions about the business side of things. There is an excellent one with casting director panel all about demo reels. I imagine there is one on the best way to find an agent as well. BTW, most agents these days don't want cover letters, they don't read them. And I recommend the see through envelopes so they can tell without having to open if you have the look they are looking for. You don't want an agent who has a lot of client who look just like you.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

I love that advice. I'm always watching that channel myself. :) Other good channels are film courage, bafta and variety. The see through envelope is a a must, but don't dismiss the power of an agent with a niche list. ;) That might differ from one agent to another.

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