Introduce Yourself : Music for your projects by Giovanni Bonura

Giovanni Bonura

Music for your projects

Hi all! Newbie here on Stage32 ! Let me introduce myself. I'm an experienced composer based in Italy. Right now I'm looking for new projects as I just finished to work in a canadian feature film. Here you can hear some sample of my works : if you think I can help you in some ways feel free to contact me at !

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Giovanni! Be sure to check out the Composing section of the Lounge. Always terrific conversations happening and great content being shared there.

Giovanni Bonura

Thanks for the suggestion Richard, I'll check it!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, G!

Shawn Speake

Solid sound, G!

Giovanni Bonura

Thanks Shawn!

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Oooh, cello. Very nice.

Giovanni Bonura

Thanks Sarah, is always a pleasure to receive some feedback!

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