Introduce Yourself : Very in between by David Chase

David Chase

Very in between

So many things that should be done but we're in the process of moving. Where in the name of Jesus did all this stuff come from? It will be sorted eventually, but for now we're half packed, practically living out of suitcases, and trying to use up odds and ends of foodstuffs so we don't have to move it. To be honest, I think we've got it pretty well organized but there is no simple way to do this unless you have bunch of money, you bring some guys in with a big truck, and you say, "See all this stuff? Take it to the new place." And then head off for a week on Martha's Vineyard or some small cottage way down the coast of Maine where we can listen to the waves, watch the tide come in and out and eat lobster and fresh corn on the cob all week long. This, too, shall pass. In the meantime, I'm going for auditions for a local theater company on Monday evening, I've found a new ukulele group that meets on Tuesday, and my writer group is on Wednesday. And with all that's going on, Susan and I still laugh a lot. When all is said and done, what else is there?

Matt Hurd

I feel your pain, David! Just moved myself recently, and even with it being "just me", I found myself wailing and gnashing my teeth over the sheer amount of stuff that had to move!

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