Introduce Yourself : Well hello there Stage 32-ers... by Lisa Laureta

Lisa Laureta

Well hello there Stage 32-ers...

If any of you are in need of a goof, I'm your gal! I'm primarily a writer focusing on television and film. I'm currently in the midst of self-producing some stop and go animation projects that I've written and will voice, among other projects. If anyone out there needs a female perspective, in comedy or other categories, I can 100% help with that, as I have all the parts. I can also help with editing, dialogue, punch-up, formatting, you name it! Please feel free to peruse my profile for a reel, scripts, awards, etc. Hope you're having a fun day! -Lisa L

Matt Hurd

Hello to you as well, Lisa! Best of luck with all your projects!

David Thorpe

What genres do you work in Lisa?

Richard "RB" Botto

Great having you in this incredible community of creatives, Lisa!

Lisa Laureta

Thanks everyone! And I work mostly in comedy but can really do just about any genre, aside from spiritual.

Natasha Halevi

Can't wait to see the animation projects! So much respect for animation projects!

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