Hey all! Sorry, I haven't been active on Stage32 in a while. I've been busy! I hope everyone is staying busy as well! My name is Ann. I'm an actress, writer, producer & director. My latest is a short film I wrote, and producing, will direct and act in. AND I'm gonna do it all with no budget. Talk about challenging yourself! LOL! And away we go!!
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Welcome back, Ann! And congrats on the film! You mean your not filling the role of gaffer as well? Slacker! Hope to see you more active going forward!
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Haha! Perhaps the next film! Thanks!!
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Good luck Ann! Budgets are hard to come by, at least you're creating. That's what matters the most!
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Thanks! I'll need all the luck!!!
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Way to work, Ann! Great to see you in the lounge!
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Good luck, I done it before (except the acting). It's indeed a challenge but if you are passionate you can do it.
Thanks Melissa! I'm curious to know what your experience has been like for you producing a film with no budget?
It was grueling... but I was also doing everything myself. If I was doing it again I'd definitely. choose a smaller project and bring on others help
Was it a feature? How long did it take you?
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I did a project called 2IN48 we shot to 2 shorts in 48 hours and both we a bit ambitious
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oh wow! That definitely sounds like a great challenge! I've participated in several 48 hour festivals but that's just for one short. I can't imagine doing two and finishing by deadline!
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Best of luck to you on your journey. I know this first hand how challenging it is.
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Thanks Joy! What has been your experience?
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Well, I created a short film 2 years ago, that got into 8 festivals, won 3 best short film awards, nominated for best actress and woman filmmaker in Burbank Festival last year and cost me over 8k ... Now I'm working to continue the storyline (per many people's request to see more) and have no budget to make it happen. People told me they'd work for free then pulled out. Err it's just little things that are coming up meanwhile I've written about 8 5 min episodes, shot one scene last year the camera guy shot wrong so thought I'd try and edit myself and realize... STOP I can't do EVERYTHING myself! It's a process so now I'm really trying to balance this project, try to find some good people who'll work with me and if we get picked up by a network (of course this is the goal) anyone who helped me along the way will be added to the contract to continue more work. :) I am the creator, writer, producer, director, lead actress and drummer. Yep it's a lot but I don't think editor is a part of the repertoire .
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Wow, that's a lot of hats! I thought I was wearing a lot! LOL! Thanks for sharing and congrats on your accolades so far. Yes, I understand finding people who are willing to help me out for free will be the biggest challenge. I don't expect it to be an easy road but it'll certainly be worth it!
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welcome and let me know if you need any original music!
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Well hello Ann and best of luck with that project. Nothing wrong with challenging yourself to be better. GO GET'EM TIGER!!!
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Welcome Ann! Big fan of your last name.
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Gospel singer 40Yrs., Artists 32 Yrs. and an Author 14Yrs.
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Recommend starting your own Introduce Yourself thread, Willie, and adding your professions to your profile. Good luck!
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Nice going Ann, busy times and I really like it. Best wishes