Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter by Veronica La Marque Stewart


Hi All. I’m a screenwriter from South Africa, I’ve been produced and won competitions. I love almost anything A24 distribute, I am fascinated how the Coen Brothers tell story through the camera and I when I’m writing I keep in mind “what if Quentin Tarantino watches this?” I am currently multi-tasking on a Crime, Thriller feature and developing a Reality TV show. Nice to meet you all.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hello, Veronica. Dig your style and your taste in films! Also agree with you on A24...They are on quite a roll. Finally caught MISSISSIPPI GRIND a few nights back...They know how to pick em!

Sadie Dean

Welcome to the community Veronica! The Coen brothers are definitely geniuses behind the camera, and totally agree A24 puts out really killer films. Great to have your talents here!

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