Filmmaking / Directing : Ways to find developing projects or scripts by Darren Kwan

Darren Kwan

Ways to find developing projects or scripts

Hi all, I need a little advice. I am currently working for an international film acquisitions and distribution company and they recently want to get involved into more production work. Preferably looking for scripts or projects in development that we can collaborate on with other industry professionals. I'd like to ask you all fine people on what are some methods or where can I go in order to establish these connections/networks? Thank you very much.

Erik Grossman

Hi Darren! You can shoot me a message with some of your info and we can see about bringing you in for a pitch session! Shoot me an email at

Dan MaxXx

film festivals, co-sponsor script contests with companies like Final Draft, Tracking Board, or Stage 32 website

Regina Lee

Would you please clarify if you're looking to co-finance or bid on providing production services (you called this "production work")? If co-fi, at what budget level? This is quite common and rest assured, Hollywood pros are accustomed to hearing about international companies who want to expand. However, as you can imagine, people are also wary of investing time and effort if the international company is not fully committed to following through. For example, if you want to co-fi, that could mean a $500 million slate deal or a $200,000 script investment. Clarity is your friend! :-)

Martine Melloul

hi Darren networking is the best way... you can email me if you want I have 3 really good projects ready to go. I can come in to pitch it to you guys

Darren Kwan

Hi All, thank you for the advice and comments, really appreciate it. And to clarify a little bit more, in terms of production work, ideally we'd love to either co-produce or co-finance or even both. As for co-produce, it doesn't mean to provide full on production services. It's more acting as support to another production company with a project they have in development. Because as of now, we don't have the capacity to provide full on production services. As this company grows then that could be a possibility in the future. So to simply put this, we want a piece of the pie. And of course the bigger our involvement level the bigger our piece is. But whatever it is we'd like to retain the China distribution rights to whatever film project we get involved in. In terms of time and commitment to the project, we analyze everything beforehand to make sure that project is even something we want to do. If it is not, then we'll pass and not waste anyones time. But if it is something great, I believe our company will fully commit.

Darren Kwan

Hi Martine, and yes I'll be happy to network and hear about your projects. What is your email? Thanks.

Regina Lee

Hi Darren, if I'm reading you correctly, you are ready to make an Alibaba-like play, e.g. co-financing Mission Impossible with Paramount or Wanda Group co-financing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles also with Paramount. In that case, I strongly encourage you to get a very clear idea of your parameters and with that clarity, then contact the big talent agencies who will help bring opportunities to you. We each only have one chance to make the best first impression, so it's really in your best interests to get crystal clear on your message before you start meeting at agencies. Sounds like you are in a great position, so enjoy the ride!! Here's an example of major deals that CAA brokered between India's Reliance Entertainment and several US prod cos. Reliance also invested in DreamWorks, and these were some early example of Asian studios coming into the US market in co-fi deals. These models have become more refined over time, though you can still look to these early models of how these types of deals started to come into being.

Douglas Eugene Mayfield

Hi Darren. I ditto Regina's comments and suggest that you specify your preferences regarding genre (since, as I understand it, certain genres are more desirable in the Chinese marketplace) and budget (since perhaps your company is not ready to step up to co-financing studio projects but is looking for indy work). That will save both you and potential partners some time.

Darren Kwan

Great Thank you Regina, I will take a look at the link and prep a little more. And to respond to Douglas, some of the genres that we would love to look for are the ones with commercial value. Usually the Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Horror genres work in the Chinese marketplace and theatrical. You are also correct on the budget in terms of we have to start off small with indy work. The budget range would be from the $1-3 million range, keep it quite low.

Martine Melloul

hi Darren My email is

Ron Newcomb

Happy to throw my company's name into the real of considerations. primarily does low-budget fantasy & sci-fi. Attached is from one of our latest projects. Some of our trailers are here:

Larry DeGala

Greetings! I am developing half dozen feature one-offs to shoot in 2017/2018. Genres are action / sci-fi / family / dark comedy. I also have collaborations with other parties on a steampunk actioner and a Japanese period piece (Samurai mystery thriller). I have won two international awards for no-budget/ULB projects and bring premium story-telling and performances to the low budget level.

Shawn Dawes

Hello Darren, First off, nice to meet you. Secondly, came across your upcoming pitch sessions and would like to inquire about more detailed information regarding the company as well as their interests before submitting any of our current projects. It was mentioned you're looking for $5M and under projects. Is the company looking to cover the entire budget cost of those films? Or would they be interested in a co-production partnership deal? The projects that I would be presenting have already gained interests from major studios, such as LIonsgate and Sony Pictures, to name a few. What distribution platform does the company expect to use for these smaller budget projects? Internationally and Domestically? - Thank you for your time, in advance. Shawn Dawes Shinobi Films

Benn Flore

Hello Darren Kwan, Florad Publishing in The Netherlands is negotiating a TV-serie about a retired policeman who loved his job so much that he cannot stop, with Dutch producers and TV-stations. The serie is an adaption of the short story ebook 'Renz Vos'. Genre 'who-done-it'. Team up could be a lifting both ways. Florad (marketing agency and publisher, not a producer) invested in producing three amateur episodes, just to visualize the concept: don't tell, show. This is one out of three stories in Dutch (password Benn): An English spoken episode was made in Paris (password Benn): We also have a short filmed in Italy, screened in Tula Russia, under our belt. A As said, these are no definitive productions, but WYSIWYC's easier to consume and discuss than writen ideas, or scripts. This may also count for you. Renz Vos serie, based on European locations might be an extra for China. The Renz Vos Stories are mine (Benn Flore). If you like to read one of my English translated books go for 'Three Religions, one Killer': We could also mail you the native English translated script (a drama comedy) 'Just Divorced, or how to rob the Maffia', official finalist in The World Series of Screenwriting, Los Angeles. My mail adress for contact:

Bruno Machado Gomes

Well I have a horror feature script about eight players of a professional soccer team who wake up in an abandoned warehouse, after being kidnapped by a mysterious goalkeeper, and are forced to play a penalty shootout for their own lives, that I'm looking to sell. If you are interested send me an e-mail to:

Justin K Hayward

Action Adventure feature here:

Samantha Mauney Aiken

We've got a romantic comedy here: Twitter: @Affair_Movie It features an Asian male romantic lead!

Heather Hale

Darren - I'm sure you've been inundated ;-) but what budget levels or genres are you looking for? I'd love to discuss some possibilities with you! ;-)

Rachael Saltzman

Search for other production companies that do similar work, contact them. If yours brings resources, they'll talk to you.

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