On Writing : Prefect example of why I'm self publishing by Diane Morton-Gattullo

Diane Morton-Gattullo

Prefect example of why I'm self publishing

Interesting article from NYT best seller author Merritt Tierce http://www.elle.com/life-love/a39461/merritt-tierce-love-me-back-writing...

Jeff Lyons

This is fantastic... and exactly what happens. It happened to me. Thanks for sharing this... and just replace "writer" with "screenwriter" and you've got it all covered. :) This is exactly why I'm self-publishing too.

David E. Gates

Despite my first book having nothing but 5-star reviews, I've made very little money from it. If I try and share details of it, even as a reference to help people who've been in the same situation as that which I described I was in the book, I get bombarded by idiots telling me I'm just spamming and trying to sell it. For example, I found a group for the blind, whose members had troubles, following break-ups, with the family court and child support processes. I detailed I thought the experiences described in the book would help those on that group and that now it was in audiobook form, they could enjoy it too. One person (just one) was so ferocious in their attack on me, despite my reticence that I made no money from it and just hoped it would help someone else, that I removed my post from the group. Sorry if I've taken this off-topic. :-)

Bill Hartin

A quote I posted on my wall many years ago, amidst the pictures of my four kids, reads: "A job you can quit, a dream you can give up on, but a calling will chase you forever..."

James Hutchison

Thanks for posting this article. A terrific read. There are two types of success I think - artistic and financial. If you're lucky you get both. Not all of us are that lucky.

Diane Morton-Gattullo

Thanks, David, Bill, and James! I thought I was dead set on self-publishing until last night when I met an amazingly interesting man. He was a guest on a talk show and we spoke for a while before he went on the air. He is extremely accomplished, very down to earth and loved my project but suggested I change my title and go with a main stream publisher. He felt the subject matter is a home run. So now I'm rethinking all of my plans. Keep you posted!:-)

David E. Gates

Nice one Diane. Getting a publisher interested is a major hurdle to overcome. You'll likely need an agent because they rarely take unsolicited manuscripts. Good luck!

Diane Morton-Gattullo

Hey David, I have a great team around me; entertainment lawyer, branding agent, social media director and a PR firm, but I've really avoided getting an agent. My lawyer has done an amazing job! He's set up all the meetings with production companies executives to adapt my project into a cable series. When I started the first book, I made a decision to not work with anyone I don't gel with because at the end of the day I think this will only work if it's a fun project. If it's not fun, I'm out! I could sell it all and walk away instead of being tied down to people that irritate me. I'm in the food and event business so this isn't what pays my bills. If I find an agent that isn't ego driven and pompous I'll reconsider. Every meeting I've had, my personality and interesting stories have been enough to keep them wanting more. I'm in talks now with a production company, so let's see if my plan works, if not I have no one to blame but myself and I'm okay with that. I'm a gambler so I'm going to ride it out to see where it goes...go big or go home!;-)

David E. Gates

You're very lucky to have gotten that kind of team around you - or are you paying them? LOL. Doing it on a budget, as I am, it's very hard to get people interested. Even friends!

Diane Morton-Gattullo

David, I hear you! LOL It's very expensive! No one is paid, but my accountant. The rest will all be paid if and when a deal is struck from the moment the ink dries for work going forward. I've found that investing in friendships, relationships and doing a tremendous amount of community engagement has helped me, team up with a great group of professionals. I interacted with all of them prior to the project, so we have a good foundation.

David E. Gates

Nice one. All the best.

Diane Morton-Gattullo

Thank you!

John David Higham

Great article and thank you for the share. I'm very pleased with self-publishing, though I am also making more than sufficient income as a psychologist. Certainly, there was a time when I desired to be a best-selling author, but not having to contend with the flow of public taste has allowed me a level of freedom that I wouldn't otherwise have. As a result, my writing styles and works are varied as I go exploring and evolving on the page.

Tasha K. Douglas

Thank you for sharing this, Diane. I'm wrestling with this right now, so reading another writer's take helps me a lot!

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