Screenwriting : My Mona Lisa of a Script. by Stephen Barber

Stephen Barber

My Mona Lisa of a Script.

I have just written, (IMHO) the best script that I've ever crafted. It's what almost EVERYONE in Hollywood recommends to steer clear from. I just couldn't (not write) it. It's a dreaded 'Period-Piece', and I must say... This script is the most powerful thing I've ever scribed. I'm going through my rounds of clean up and will begin submitting it for notes next week; my bloviating has brought me to question my fellow Writers... What's YOUR Mona Lisa? Have you written it yet?

Travis Sharp

I have to agree with everyone in Hollywood. Nobody, especially a guy, should write a movie about periods. Maybe an OB/GYN, but even then... (Goofy comic relief aside) Good for you man! Your passion is the best reason. If it's great, it doesn't matter what it is. Greatness is greatness. Better than another damn super hero flick.

Elijah Muller

My universe "The Stunton Universe" is based in the time periods of 40's 60's and 80's. I know its a challenge for producers but I feel if they like the script enough, they will pay for it.

Stephen Barber

Dude, the 40's/60's/80's were some of the best decades.

Craig D Griffiths

There is no rules. A gripping and compelling story is a gripping and compelling story. Period pieces like "black sails" are just great stories. There are no hard and fast rules. You may be the only person in the cohort "great idea". I would rather be one in ten than one in a million.

Stephen Barber

@Craig Agreed!

Dan MaxXx

Pros recommend newbies to write small movies, break in and build a career. I dont know any feature screenwriter (solo credit) that broke in with a period piece on their 1st spec. (Not best selling Novelist, playwrights). Scribes like John August, Terry Rossio, Ryan Coogler, Tarantino, Damien Chazell started small. But hey, never say never, you could be that "Unicorn Writer" . Someone does win Powerball.

William Martell

I have no ability to judge what's my best work - I'm biased. So it's whatever other people think was my best after I've died.

Stephen Barber

@Dan, thank God those that have come into this industry before me has not allowed statistics to dictate what they could/would do. Good luck to you, Sir.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

The script I wrote about Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa is my Mona Lisa script.

Stephen Barber

@Phil... Word!

Jean Buschmann

Hi Stephen, mine is called "The OM Factor" - scroll to the white text box on this page if you want to know why: No regrets though, I'm very proud of it, even if it has a snowball's chance in hell of being produced. :?)

Jean Buschmann

P.S. for Stephen & others it just may benefit some day... You might very well find a producer for your Magnum Opus, but if you don't, you can always consider: __ Reworking it into a novel __ Creating it as an animated film OR graphic novel just to get the story out in a manner in which you can personally produce on a limited or non-existent budget. (Other creatives might volunteer if they vibe with the subject matter - since it can then become part of their portfolio - but do try to pay them something if you can, or cut them in on any profits. To be fair, and to keep your karma clean.) I am considering this myself, since there is now state-of-the-art animation software that can match actors recorded voices with mouth movements, while also creating characters, sets, and film-realistic lighting. Said software does NOT involve hand drawing either! Making it the first affordable entry into the animated world for many who'd otherwise be banned for lack of talent. So it's definitely something worth considering! Graphic novels have recently become an even more popular option for this same reason. Of course like anything else, there are pros and cons, and lovers and haters. MY motto is "do you" - and whatever works for you. __ Just using your Mona Lisa as a writing sample / personal signature. Best of luck! And please update this thread as things progress. I'm sure many would love to hear Mona Lisa's fate. I know I would. :)

Stephen Barber

Thanks for your posts' Jean! I will update you will all progress. I think that your attitude is contagious and I'm grateful that you're willing to share your positivity.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Stephen: Congrats on the new work and I'm so happy you feel good about what you've accomplished.

Jean Buschmann

You're welcome! Always warms the heart to see others pursuing their passion and just going for it, in spite of any and all obstacles...

Stephen Barber

Thanks, Phillip. I'm super excited about it.

Travis Sharp

Your best script is like a child. Doesn't matter what others think, it's your baby. You loved it, raised it and put your heart in it. And god knows this world could use a meaningful, passionate movie over another brainless super hero movie or childish bathroom joke comedy.

Travis Sharp

I would watch your script, unread, over Suicide Squad anytime.

Stephen Barber

Thanks, Travis! Very cool of you.

Jean Buschmann

@Travis - My sentiments exactly.

Travis Sharp

Yes, I'm quite brilliant (until it comes to writing a pitch). :-)

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