Hello, I'm Tiffany Padgett. And, I am twenty-one years old. I feel like I should reintroduce myself to this website seeing as it has been far too long. I created this account a few years back and never really made use of it. But, I'm battling my severe, social anxiety and I am actually attempting to jump back into the waters. I live in the Valdosta area and am preparing to study screenwriting or acting. I am able to work in the Atlanta area as well. There have been some new projects in my life since I last updated my Stage32 profile. I have become a freelance artist, graphic designer, and writer. I've even recently illustrated a children's book. My most recent one has to be ghost-writing a romantic fiction to be published. I have also been taking online courses to gain some experience and a fancy certificate to place on my resume. Other than that, I haven't been up to quite much. But, I would love to hear about your projects and your achievements in the business of writing or acting. I'm always here to make connections with other fellow Stage32 members.
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Congratulations on your accomplishments! And I wish you all the best with your return to this site and your pursuits!
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Welcome back, Tiffany!
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Wishing you all the best, and welcome back
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Welcome back Tiffany!
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I have two screen plays in English. I seek partners who would be able to shoot movie.
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This is the way to do it Tiffany, one step at a time. Your courage will inspire.
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Your courage is admirable, welcome back Tiffany!
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That's a fantastic update, Tiffany!
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Wow congrats Tiffany! I have a few stories for children books too but in Dutch. I am still looking to work with someone on the illustrations and maybe find someone to inspire each other and create together :-) sending you love and continued success! X
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Welcome back, Tiffany!
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Hello, Tiffany. I just went in search of this comment I posted on Dene Stark's thread about self-doubt, because I think you'll find it empowering. ---- Somehow it helps me to know that Meryl Streep almost never feels like she's a good enough to pull off a role. She readily admits her insecurity and self-doubt, but uses fear as a catalyst to propel her forward, instead of holding her back. It's a great way to balance confidence and humility. So no worries, we're in good company! Nelson Mandela said it best - "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." On a personal note, when I was a child I had crippling social anxiety. I was able to overcome it on my own through a combination of custom cognitive therapy, meditation (opening the throat chakra will do wonders!) and living life long enough to realize that every human being has their insecurities, whether they admit it or not, and most people are way too busy focussing on themselves and their insecurities to even notice yours. LOL! - I hope that made you laugh because it's true. Being the contrarian that I am, I eventually decided to do the very opposite of what my impulses wanted me to do - instead of focussing on my issues, I began focussing on really getting to know other people, even if it felt uncomfortable at first. With time and practice, it became as natural as breathing. I thoroughly enjoy focussing on others now, you learn so much, and make real connections along the way. Everyone is different though so you do what works for you. I just wanted you to know that their is hope. Best of luck!