I last introduced myself a couple of years ago so perhaps it's time I updated. I'm still waiting for the film script I sold to a UK producer to be made. Perhaps it never will be but at least I was paid for it! I have a contract to turn a novel (not one of mine) into a screenplay for a US company. I have an ongoing contract to write three action adventure novels for a German publisher. The first one is published, the second about to be submitted and the third is bouncing around my brain. I can't decide whether I want to be a novelist or a screenwriter. I'm having some success at both but perhaps if I concentrated on one I would have a better chance of moving up the food chain in one of them. If any producers out there want to have a look at my novels with a view to changing them into films then please let me know. I could do the screenplay but I am also willing to sell the film rights if that meets the needs of the company. And if anyone reads this post, may I wish you good luck in your endeavours. Fran Connor amazon.com/author/fran.connor
Fran, so glad you introduced yourself again! Films take so long to put together so don't be discouraged (not that you are), but be proud that your screenwriting is great to where it was purchase. Also, congrats on the books! Wow! How impressive!
Francis, wishing you all the luck with your writing and with selling your scripts ! I think you should continue doing what your pen tells you to do at the moment :-)
Congratulations, Fran! I wish you the best!
Congrats Fran! Great to hear that you're still moving and shaking things up over there.