Just started my second script and my writing seems to be improving with every word. I've always had a great interest in film, through previous mistakes and poor decisions it's taken me up to the age of the forsaken 27 to realize I can still pursue my dreams and go for it. Any advice from experienced people on here or in the industry would be massively appreciated. Cheers guys
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CONGRATS. I'd say this: in addition to the craft of writing learn to network! join our Happy Writers or our screenwriting lounge.
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27 is not old, even for this industry. :) Break a leg!
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Welcome, Joe! I believe it's never late to improve your craft if you are persistent enough. Good luck!
I've always been average at writing novels etc.... however I find decent dialogues in scripts captivating and very addicting! I think I'd struggle with a novel but I may be wrong.. I'll have a good go when my writing improves some more... after all it's been 10 years since I have really written a thing. However the idea's in my head are continuous ! Makes it hard to sleep to lol
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I started at age 50. There. Feel better? Best of luck to you. Experience in life makes your writing even deeper and better. At least that's what I tell myself frequently.
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Welcome, Joe. I second everything, Bert said. Try writing everyday, if you can, even if its only a journal. This is a great community, a support system, so to speak. I'm here for you. Good luck in school, buddy. BTW, I my characters keep me up at night every time I start a new screenplay. No joke.
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Thanks guys appreciate the feed back and comments.
And Jorge I now what you mean, my scripts keep me awake at night as my brain is in over drive thinking of new and wacky ideas constantly .
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I'm almost there with you WC. I'll be 50 this year! Joe, it's never too late to start. Keep writing and reading and watching and writing and reading and watching and...
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This popped-up in my feed earlier, and I thought I would share it with you all. :)
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You can pursue your dreams and go for it at any age. You have a story to tell... tell it!
Jorge and Joe, my characters keep me up too. I sometimes sleep walk to my phone and audio record a scene, dialogue, etc as it comes to me..(as opposed to reaching over and writing things down...go figure.. lol)