Screenwriting : New Projects by Isaac Barlow

Isaac Barlow

New Projects

I love starting on new projects, but I find the hardest part is just starting. So what I done is to have a project in the works so I don't have that problem. I do however, take time to distress from the last one. I was wondering do any of you guys do the same...

James Drago

I have an ideas folder that I will expand upon when I'm stuck on what to begin next. I'll build on those ideas and see if one catches fire for me.

Isaac Barlow

Awesome, I'm going to have to do

Anthony Cawood

I tend to write a few short scripts after finishing a feature script.

Ally Shina

I'm like James, I have an ideas folder that keeps expanding. At the moment I have a problem choosing one idea to script. So I'm all over the place and I can't quite get started on my next project. It's a new problem and I don't like it one bit.

Jody Ellis

It always takes me a bit to settle into the next project. I just finished a script and sent it out into the world, will start something new in the next week or so. Coming up with ideas is never the problem, it's deciding which ones are the most marketable and make the most sense to write.

David Downes

After a fashion. When this draft is complete, I'll return and work on a couple of song lyrics, then start fleshing out the beats of TWO new scripts. Once that's done, I'll get a feel for which of the two (if any) get me excited and move forward.

Craig D Griffiths

I use Celtx cards on my iPad. I use this for collecting ideas and it allows me to develop concepts until they force themselves into life.

Raymond J. Negron

Jody, what did the world think? Yes, like Ally I'm an idea generator and my mind never stops. I think it's the Entrepreneur in me. I exercise 7 days a week, eat clean to keep my brain machine onward. I do have an idea notebook that I write the latest, greatest idea into. I do focus on one idea until completion as I have 7 scripts that are finished, but are they ever really finished until they are a movie. Doing another rewrite on my comedy. Love you all. Issac, Anthony, Ally, Jody, or David. If it's too much love you just get a handshale and a pat on the back. Much Love, RJN

PS> F.ocus O.n C.ourse U.ntil S.uccess. YOU GOT THIS!

Dan Guardino

Issac. The first then pages have always the hardest for me. I don't do what you do because I don't write spec screenplays. What I do instead is write the first ten pages and rewrite those pages over an over until I think they are written as well as humanly possible. I think that helps me.

Jon Croft

I probably have about 8 projects im working on now. LOL. But structure, story, and characters can always help me drill deeper down in to writing if i just have time.

Doug Nelson

When an idea sneaks up on me, I mull it over for awhile until I come up with an appropriate ending. I sketch out the ending, then write a killer opening - that part comes easy for me. And then I hit that Act II wall........ (That's where the monkey shows up.)

James Drago

"That's where the monkey shows up" - Is that why it's the Fun and Games Act?

Doug Nelson

It's a big (Gorilla sized) monkey. Screenwriting is easy - like taking candy from a Gorilla.

Jon Croft

LOL Doug! :D

Myron DeBose

Doug is funny. I like to focus on one story idea. Script quality is key and free time not devoted to revising; now is geared towards mastering loglines, synopsis, pitchee and query letters.

Raymond J. Negron

Writing Sucks! But it becomes easier as you practice. As practice makes permanent. I would love to just put my head down and go to work without thinking about writing, and then the ideas overflow like Moses parting the red seas. I'm fed by my creations but it's always something that hurts. You have to do your push ups daily to make them work. I uploaded my Act One up of my script "I Am, Yodel!"A odd-ball, ribald comedy in the adored style of my own but of course Mel Brooks. It's up! If you don't like comedy do not read. SImple! Hope you are all well! Much Love! Writing Rocks! I had to write it out to get to the pleasure of feeling better. :)

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