Filmmaking / Directing : Script Decision by Asha Doucet

Asha Doucet

Script Decision

Hey guys. I'm wondering what is a better option as a first-time screenwriter when I have a final version of my script. Is it wiser to try to pitch and sell the script to a studio for production and distribution, or is it more beneficial to try and finance independently and complete the entire film myself. Of course, as a writer, that would mean collaboration with directors and such. Just wondering what thoughts or experiences others have had in a similar situation.

D Marcus

If you can find the money and you want total creative control then it's wiser to do it independently. If you are looking to build your career as a writer then it's wiser to sell to a studio. My experience was selling the script was the option that worked for me. Later I became a producer but as a first-time screenwriter I wanted to write more than I wanted to find financing so it was more beneficial to me to sell the script.

What do YOU want, Asha? What is YOUR goal? Do you want to start as a writer/producer or do you want to start as a writer and build from there?

Raja Riaz M Khan

I think you should find financier for your script to produce film its wiser and in this way you can make justice with your script and you can establish your self.

Pierre Langenegger

I'll be brutally honest with you Asha, the chances of a writer attracting any interest in their first script through pitching are almost non-existent and you'd probably have better odds of winning a lottery. If you want to see your vision on screen then you'll need to make it yourself. Look for free talent, borrow equipment and film it yourself but bear in mind that this is going to be a learning experience and it needs to be treated as such. This is your best option at this stage in your career.

D Marcus

Since Asha didn't answer my question and this IS posted in "Directing" I agree with Pierre. His best option to become a director is to direct movies. So selling the script isn't a wise choice.

Rajjat R Kaul

It entirely depends on your vision for the script. If you sell it, you don't know whats going to be out there and If you make it by yourself, Its going to be a learning experience. Just shoot the first half by yourself or take help from your friends and family. Just do it! and If you feel its not what you want then, you can go ahead and sell the project.

Dan MaxXx

Sell what to whom? All this chatter about how to sell a script to a studio or make a movie but with 0 common sense, 0 business sense, hardly a work resume (show us a filmmaking reel), education, or any proof of storytelling skills.

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