Screenwriting : Beware of scams by Lisa Clemens

Lisa Clemens

Beware of scams

I had a "producer/film studio head" message me on LinkedIn and ask for my IMDB page...then proceded to scold me about how I have worked on Indy films not MOVIES. (crazy line about comparing steaks to donuts)... Long story short -he was trying to get me to invest and break into working for MAJOR STUDIOS (like his LOL) THIS is who he is... Creepy BEWARE!!!

David Black

I've had two people approach me about finance.

Lisa Clemens

I feel bad for anyone who falls for it. He actually calls himself a MAJOR Hollywood Studio Movie Director/Writer/Producer.

Lisa Clemens

his spiel is (in part) "You're in the Film Industry.... I'm in the Movie Biz....Where every Movie makes at least a 3Xs return, so the investors get a 150% back in just upon delivery of the Movie... there is always hope the Movie will do well and then there is an additional 25% of all revenue... But again, the Film never gets any backend money, so the original investors get screwed every time... Must better to write Movies, there are always residual revenues, even for the writers, but Films never...

If you want to learn more, at no charge, get me an email address, and I'll send you plenty of info.."

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

When anyone asks for money, run for the hills.

Dan Guardino

That guy's spill is pretty bad so he doesn't even sound like a very good scammer. I am curious why he would even have tried to get a screenwriter to invest money or was he just trying to tie up your screenplay so he can use it to try and raise development money for his next project which I am sure would never happen and if it did it wouldn't make a dime.

David E. Gates

I was recently contacted, after accepting a network request, on here. They said: " I viewed your profile and saw that you had written a number of books and won many awards. I was wondering if you have ever considered adapting one of your books into a screenplay as good books make good scripts.

I am a filmmaker from London and I've been making films since 2011. I am always on the look for new material to make into films.

So if you're up to it, I was hoping that we could adapt one of your books into a screenplay and then make the film. As a result you and your books will get global recognition as I look to submit this to international film festivals such as Cannes, Sundance etc..."

After a bit of back-and-forth, I asked "How would you plan on funding any production?"

He responded with "Crowdfunding". And went on to state "However, I would go the more traditional route and get these projects studio funded if there wasn't already an audience for these movies."

I basically told him "I haven't sold enough copies to reach enough of a crowdfunding audience that would realistically provide enough funds to get a film adaptation done. All the projects would have to be studio funded and it's quite likely that, once the scripts are complete and if they are interested, they would option them and then buy them outright if they wanted to go into production."

His response kinda gave the game away and truly indicated to me that he was trying to run before he could even walk (I looked him up on IMDB by the way):

"Don't worry about not selling enough copies to get a crowdfunding audience. You've sold your book and got it out there. The beauty of crowdfunding is that it only takes a few people to kickstart your project on such platforms. With the addition of a IMDb page to go along with this, backers can get more information about the project. After we have finished the first film and sent it to international film festivals, your work will be better known and the second film will be easier to fund.

Also these two films would compliment your books so the films will help promote your books and vice versa.

Which film are we going to make first, or do you think will be best to make first? And do you need help adapting your book into a script or can you do that? In the meantime I'll start work on the technical side of pre-production."

I told him: "First and foremost I'm not about to embark on any project or agree to anything with someone I don't know and/or without the appropriate caveats and legal framework in place. This protects me and my work and, also, you.

Any proposal would have to be submitted in a formal manner rather than via a casual exchange of emails/messages. This would involve agents and managers on both sides.

No offence, but you've made just a couple of short films. You're suddenly proposing to arrange funding for a TV drama along with setting up pre-production for two films to be funded by crowdfunding but I see little experience in your biography or entries in IMDB, or anywhere else, that supports that you would realistically be able to achieve that, all against works you've not even read, from a relative stranger.

The other thing about crowdfunding is that it is notoriously difficult. It takes more than just "a few people to kickstart". It takes a lot of publicity and hard work to make it a success and it has to be sufficiently different for it to pique people's interest.

If someone is genuninely interested in adapting one or more of my books, then they can propose to option it. I am open to discussions around that."

I've not heard from him since. Not really surprised. LOL. (Sorry for the long-winded piece, but I thought it needed telling.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Lisa Clemens

This guy was borderline insulting. "You make films, the equivalent of donuts while I make movies, gourmet steak!" Then expects me to kiss his ass and think he's a genius who can help me get rich. LOL I googled his name and found out he was a convicted sex offender (involving family to boot) who's film was tossed because it included young teens. That may fly with Roman Polanski or Woody Allan but not me!

Robert Premus

Yep, that's happened to me. Poop bags like that, give the title Producer, a bad name.

Diandra Anne Mamo

Haven't seen the link yet, but thanks for the head's up Lisa.

Gilberto Villahermosa

Yikes! Lisa - Thanks for sharing!

Doug Nelson

Lisa, unfortunately those pompous scammer types are every where.

Pierre Langenegger

Hey Stanley, just link it back to your profile page and the name will correct itself, you don't need to pay IMDb anything.

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