Screenwriting : Technical Question by Tamim Almousa

Tamim Almousa

Technical Question

Is it easy transferring text from Celtx (the website) to Final Draft?

Pierre Langenegger

Yes it is. I did this very thing just recently. One of my clients was working with the online version of Celtx and I had so much trouble while editing it because some days it just kept freezing and I'd get nothing done so I exported it from Celtx in text format then imported the text file into Final Draft. I think there were very few formatting issues but more formatting issues going back to Celtx when I finished.

Tamim Almousa

Celtx is unreliable. Riddled with glitches and what have you. Thinking of upgrading to Final Draft. Thing is... I have so much stuff on Celtx. Stuff I've been polishing for quite some time. Dreading formatting issues. Especially ones I might miss. It's a drag. The whole thing is causing me to feel little anxious.

Pierre Langenegger

It's a pretty simple process and yes, you'll need to invest some time, or I could even provide that service for you if you'd like.

Anthony Moore

I used to use Celtx, even bought the book but after they moved from desktop to web based and lost the screenplay I was working on at the time, (they eventually got it back) I started using WriterDuet. I find it easier and more reliable.

I eventually obtained Final Draft but there is no web or Android version, so I can only use it on my home PC.

I do most of my writing on my tablet at work during lunch, so WriterDuet works two-fold for me. First, if there's internet I can access my screenplays directly. Second, if I'm in a dead zone or a building with no WiFi, I can type scenes into any text program. The real beauty of WriterDuet is that if I format certain lines in certain ways, I can import the text file directly into the program and not have to re-format the new material.

Once I've completed a first draft, I then import the screenplay into Final Draft to do the finishes before submissions.

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