Introduce Yourself : Pop Music, Popcorn Movies, Musicals...and Jesus...whhhaaaaat! by D Renard Young

D Renard Young

Pop Music, Popcorn Movies, Musicals...and Jesus...whhhaaaaat!

Hello Everyone!

My name is D Renard (either D or Ren works) and I'm a unscripted executive producer and showrunner transitioning into narritive. After a fun run in unscripted tv, I'm going all in on executing in the indie film space. I HAVE ABSOULUTEY NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING, but prayerfully after delivering several multi-million dollars series, and having produced, directed, cast, and driven post on hundreds of hours or unscripted tv, I'll stumble and tumble my way through this! Believe it or not, I'm back on Mom's couch (really I am), with everything in storage minus the dogs, and looking to live and learn the life of an independent filmmaker...all while getting over my fear of social media exposure which is a BI$%#, when you lived behind the scenes for a decade...even as an 80's baby.

It would be an honor to meet other industry professionals or novices who share a passion for making pretty things that move, especially in the horror, musical, or YA faith-based world. I welcome all and if you need help with a budget or scheduling, casting, extra hands on set, etc., I've done it all and would love to help other passionate filmmakers who need the extra hands or brains to make their films. Like Jason Blum said, "TV showrunner are the best low budget filmmakers, period." So here I am waiting for ya to let me know what ya need. Hopefully my tribe within this tribe is here and we can grow to make some marketable, profitable, and popcorn worthy stuff. That's all I've got, forgive the run-ons (i pretend its a style), and I look forward to cavorting with a ton of you soon.

Much Love People!

D Renard Young

Allen Lynch

Welcome D!

D Renard Young

Thanks Allen!

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