Introduce Yourself : Let’s Meet For Coffee.... by John Charnay

John Charnay

Let’s Meet For Coffee....

My Favorite Thing To Do Is To Help Others Succeed! I Am Always Looking For New People I Can Help And Meet With & I Would Love To Help You (If I Can In Some Way) By Meeting With You

Soon Over Coffee At My Favorite Starbucks Coffee Place In NoHo! (P.S. If It Is About A Project, PLEASE No Scripts, Synopses, Treatments Or Trailers Or Descriptions Now---ONLY Loglines)...Do You Need A Job? Or Want To Get Your Project Produced Or Distributed Or Firm Or Charity Funded? Or Get Yourself Or Your Project Greater Visibility? Then Contact Me To Set A Coffee Meeting!

Charles Rule

Thank you for the connection. May I ask what projects you are presently working on?

Again, thanks for the connection.

Mary H. Shellogg

Meet-up for coffee, I'm in for a meet-up.

John Ellis

And if we don't live in SoCal...?

John Jamison

A great offer, John. Thanks for doing this. If you are ever in Central Illinois I'll buy the coffee at my favorite Caribou shop.

Myles Candace Williams

Hi John! Thank you for doing this. I'm in the LA County area and would love to meet with you. Any insight and suggestions that you'll have will be very beneficial.

Ashleigh Angel Nastassia Klein

Brilliant! I look forward to this coffee date ;)

Osiris Imhotep

I turned down a Service Deal I plan to do it myself

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