Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone ! by Anthony R. Risen

Anthony R. Risen

Hello Everyone !

I am a new filmmaker and would love to make some new connections!

love networking with other creatives :)

here is a link to my latest projects trailer - "DEVILS NIGHT"

My next project will be an action / horror with a femme fatale lead - want to help?

message me!

Anthony R. Risen

thanks guys!

Vitaly - i am looking to do features, but currently i am financing myself so i can only afford shorts at the moment ! i am currently writing a action/horror feature right now.

James Drago

Great work!

Anthony R. Risen

thanks so much!

John Ellis

Very well done trailer.

Linwood Bell


Anthony R. Risen

thank you John Ellis and Linwood Bell !

Chantal Corminboeuf (Turvey)

nice work,well done!

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Chantal ! thats awesome you are a stunt women - my next project is going to have some stunt work and fight choreography - i am a martial artist but have never directed stunt performers im really excited about it though ! any tips?

Anthony R. Risen

thanks so much Joshua Lander!

Allen Lynch

Nice work Anthony!

Anthony R. Risen

Wow Allen Lynch your credits blew me away! haha definitely some great stuff man! -

thanks so much !

Brian Alan DeLaney

This looks great!

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Brian ! :)

Jillie Simon

Your trailer is so well done! Congratulations Anthony! : )

Wayne Thompson

looking good :)

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you <3 Jillie and Wayne :) all of this love is so inspiring !

Ralph Barnette

Good stuff. Has the right feel to it. A bit more of the story implied would make it just about perfect.

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Ralph - its only a short film so i cant give away too much ! lol if you click on the link to vimeo it has a description of it , if you are truly intrigued :)

Anthony R. Risen

thank you Clare, i will keep that in mind on the next one!

Charles Gallardo

good job..

Marcus Leighton

Looks good! Looks like one of those "you picked the wrong house to mess with" films and I love those.

Anthony R. Risen

Thanks Charles!

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Marcus! - ya i wouldnt want to go in this house.. lol

Robert Sacchi

Good trailer. Good luck with the project.

Dusty Rhodes


Anthony R. Risen

Kenn - i am just into good stories , i dont limit myself to a certain genre. i would love to explore all types of stories.

Thank you Robert!

Dusty - music is a crucial element to the look and feel of a film. i am a musician myself !

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Aray !

Kelly Krause

Great looking trailer, Anthony! Welcome to Stage 32. : )

Robert Sacchi

It is great you are multi-talented Anthony.

Rogue Thomas

Great Trailer loved it.

Anthony R. Risen

Kelly - Thank you ! so far everyone has been really welcoming :)

Robert - Yeah man i love every part of filmmaking , i want to be like the greats in the sense that i understand every part so that i can be innovative as well as efficient and can convey my ideas in a clear and concise way to every department , plus its just so much fun, how can you not want to try it all !

Rogue - Thanks so much !

Raymond Zachariasse

The trailer looks cool and very professional. So you directed it and did all the writing? I'm an author. I hope to direct the movie of my own book someday.

I think you will feel welcome here. Many nice creatives out there to connect with. Talking about that, you got a request :)

Anthony R. Risen

Thank you Raymond ! - yes i directed, produced and co-wrote it with another screenwriter named Mark Keavney - i feel very welcome here ! its a great group of creatives.

dont hope - do it man! if you can think it, you can make it.

there are a lot of people out there that can help make it happen. dont be afraid to reach out to your local film community. if you are unsure how to direct - try getting some PA jobs and watch what people do and what they say learn the terminology and etiquettes or if your story is simple enough grab a couple friends and shoot it in your home using DIY techniques ( check out Film Riot on youtube or the indie film hustle podcast )

make your movie !

no excuses. :)

Raymond Zachariasse

Thanks Anthony. Ofcourse you are right. The Netherlands isn't much like America though, so it is hard to find a team. The directing part and the writing part is nog problem, but it's more an equipment issue and ofcourse lack of people. I did make a small movie with someone, but he sadly stopped. I did the camerawork, helped with the story and directing.

I hope to get some help from a guy I know from acting. He wants to make a documentary. So that would be cool.

BTW I am following a new screenwriting course and I will be making an adaptation of my own picture book, so that will be a cool project to do, if I can find animators.

Linda Gentry & K. Nichole Worsley

Love the trailer, especially how you blended the text with the images. Great job!

Anthony R. Risen

Raymond - cool man ! good luck with everything i hope the best for you and your projects !

Linda Gentry & Nichole Worsley - thanks so much ! it was a really fun project to work on.

Pat Savage

Don't hope - do it man! If you can think it, you can make it. Brother are you ever in the right place! Welcome to Stage 32! Excellent trailer too.

Anthony R. Risen

Thanks so much Pat - sometimes people just need a little encouragement and i've got enough for everyone!

Tristan Hutchinson

Anthony interested in working with you on your next film. I have written two books, which feature a woman as the main character.

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