Filmmaking / Directing : Your thoughts on repeat mania by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Your thoughts on repeat mania

Just curious. For conversation sake, what are your thoughts on the list of current projects in development and production - which happen to all be 2,3,4,...9 in the IP/franchise/universe.

Where does that put independent films/video/content?

How are you maneuvering in this structure?

Thanks for sharing your opinion!

Doug Nelson

The big houses are into making much money with a minimum risk. Any movies that happen to fall out during the process is secondary. (one of my students is acting in Avatar II.)

Doug Nelson

Well, Cherelynn; it looks like few/if any here in Stage 32 land really have an interest in this topic. It's unfortunate too because this is one of the major economic drivers of the Indie film economy. To bad, so sad.

Tony S.

Not posting comments does not equal disinterest. There are far sadder things.

Thank you, Cherelynn.

Ryan McCoy

Yeah, Doug...knock it off. Stop commenting on threads just so you can name drop. Nobody cares or is impressed. As to Cherelynn’s question...Cherelynn, I dove deep into understanding the world of digital media and am attacking that hard. I have only seen positive results. I’d be happy to chat with you for a bit if you have any questions. Here is my email: Wishing you the best!!

Stephane Lun-Sin

I think we are presently in a period of cinema history that does not reward risk taking. So we are indeed witnessing a prevalence of franchise and tentpole productions that cost $x00M to make, partly because of the stellar cast, to make sure it becomes an international and global success. "More is better". Will this be considered the most creative period of cinema history? Probably not. AFAIC, creativity does not go along so well with aversion to taking risk and it seems it is that type of mentality that is driving major studios these days. When you add uncertainties such as the decline of attendance at the cinemas and the need to conquer China's market that is now a major part of global revenue stream, it does not help studio executives to consider taking any risks...How refreshing it is then to see $5M trail blazing productions such as Get Out getting attention and having financial success...Hopefully we are at the beginning of a new era. There are all of us who have now access to all the tools of the trade to tell powerful stories to shape this new era with what we have to say...just my 2 cents.

Doug Nelson

Ryan; I take your hostile comments as indicative of a rude and crude nature which I suspect makes it difficult for others to work with you. That's pretty restrictive in highly personal and collaborative filmmaking where working with others is prerequisite. But to each his own; and as far as I'm concerned you've unfurled your flag and demonstrated your unworthiness of additional comment or consideration. 'nough said.Ryan; I take your hostile comments as indicative of a rude and crude nature which I suspect makes it difficult for others to work with you. That's pretty restrictive in highly personal and collaborative filmmaking where working with others is prerequisite. But to each his own; and as far as I'm concerned you've unfurled your flag and demonstrated your unworthiness of additional comment or consideration. 'nough said.

Samrat Sarkar

Actually we all need a whatsapp group for rhis kind of discussions.. It will be a great initiative for all.. Film is tbe best art form i guess.. So i need a global group for some people those are passionate about film making.. I am samrat sarkar, i am from india, a final year filmmaking student & a assistant director.. 91 9732103479 this is my whatsapp id.. Someone plz make a whatsapp group, we need it badly...

Royce Allen Dudley

I produce and make my living in film / TV / digital media, and have for decades. I believe in making things I love, or at least making things that might sell with people I at least like. I don't watch franchises unless my teenager makes me, I suspect I will never be offered one out of the blue, so my opinion is , to me, utterly irrelevant. Of those producers I personally know, a couple are involved in notable smaller franchises they own, but those are the exceptions in their portfolio, and not related to either major studio budgets nor returns. What's more pertinent is that indies, with or without budgets and significant distribution, are a different thing, and do not compete for the same audience attention as major studio films, so, again, utterly irrelevant. What is more telling is that WB, NBC/Uni and others have multiple digital content production arms and also outsource a huge amount of production work to other companies becasue the demand for online and PPV content exceeds their capacity to create, and they are ill equipped to deliver tiny and fast content in house for the most part. There are not 2 levels of the Hollywood machine, there are many, and they comingle.

Ryan McCoy

And I believe the highest level of those films will implode on themselves in ten years. Just my thoughts...

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