Introduce Yourself : Create Create Create by Steven Carnuccio

Steven Carnuccio

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Hi creative peeps!

My name is Steve and I'm an Australian actor/writer/producer based in Sydney. I co-run Highlight Pictures, a new start up production company and we have just finished filming a new comedy-drama series, "Made For This", which follows three friends as they tackle the often harsh world of entertainment. The series is being shopped around for distribution at the moment.

Before co-founding the company, I have done extensive work in my fields, having put together two other productions - "Sidewalks" and "Academy". "Academy" has recently been picked up be RevryTV and will begin streaming on their platform soon. Feel free to check out my content on my profile page.

I will soon be starting work on a short film, aiming for Cannes Film Festival next year, as well as putting together the second season of "Made For This".

I'm always looking to collaborate and meet new like-minded creatives, so feel free to connect and join my network or follow me on Instagram. I also do dramaturgy work, so feel free to enquire about my services if you need a fresh set of eyes for your writing.

Keep those creative juices flowing!


Allie Jessing

Just followed you on instagram. Love the attitude, I share it :)

Steven Carnuccio

Hi Allie, great to meet you! I've returned the follow. Keen to see more of your content :)

Diandra Anne Mamo

Welcome Steven - good job with "The Dinner Party", just saw the video now. Very good!

Keep up the persistence. :)

Steven Carnuccio

Hi Diandra, thanks so much! Really appreciate that :)

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