Introduce Yourself : Newbie by Charles Schner

Charles Schner


Hi Everyone,

My first day on Stage 32. I am a cinematographer with over 20 years experience. My latest film that I just completed in April is called "Greatland" which is a dystopian future dark comedy. I work in Los Angeles, New York and sometimes Atlanta. I hope to connect with you all in some capacity. Please take a look at my attached reel. Thanks!

Rogue Thomas

Loved the reel. Hope to work together some day.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Charles. Some very nice work you have there!

Chad Stroman

Nice reel and work. Lots of motion. Liked the choreography (is that the right word?) of the shots. Some good intercuts in the tensio/action scenes. Good job!

Linwood Bell

Charles, you're smokin'.

Doug Nelson

Some really nice stuff with some well done change ups and strong transitions. Of course you got me 'cause I'm into spooky - love it and hope to see more of your work soon.

Charles Schner

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

Mark W. Travis

Welcome, Charles. I, too, am a bit new here. As a director I am always searching for new and innovative cinematographers. Your work looks fascinating. Stay in touch. Would love to work with you some day.

Charles Schner

Thanks Mark. Happy to chat the next time you are looking for a DP.

Donovan Swart

Welcome, Charles! Congrats on your success thus far!

James Drago

Welcome! You will love it here! Fantastic material in your reel!

Charles Schner

Thanks again everyone. What a great community!

James Drago

It's truly the best!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Charles! Amazing body of work!

Leslie Cidale


Charles Schner

Thanks everybody!

Doug Nelson

Beautiful reel with excellent slider & crane movement.

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